•Chapter 11•

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This will be confusing. Try and stay with me.

••Back to reality••

Paris's POV

I woke up to bright lights shining on my face. I had to blink my eyes a couple times to readjust my focus, and when I did, I saw myself surrounded by plain white walls. I heard a faint beeping noise and looked over to see a heart monitor.

"Where am I?" I mumbled, lifting my arm to rub my head but instantly regretting it. I felt a wave of pain wash over my body and I put my hand back on the bed.

"Paris!!" I heard someone scream, causing my head to throb.

"Can you keep it down?" I croaked out, my throat extremely dry.

"Thank god you're alright!" They said in a more quiet voice. It took me a minute, but I finally recognized the person standing before me.

"Aramis!" I tried to say, but it was getting harder to talk.

"Oh, yeah! The doctor said that you would probably have a dry throat. He told me to give this to you," he said, handing me a bottle of water. I tried to lift my arm to get it to my mouth, but once again failed and let it fall back on the bed.

"Do you mind?" I ask, motioning to the water bottle.

"Oh my god, I'm an idiot. Of course."

He came over to me and placed the bottle to my lips, then tilting it slightly so the water would come out. I felt the cold water on my tongue and started gulping it down until the whole thing was gone.

"That was refreshing," I told him as he tossed the now empty water bottle into the trash. "Now can you please explain to me where I am and why I am here?"

"You don't remember?"

"Not really. The most recent thing I can remember is Bradley's death." He bursted out into laughter, and I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Umm, excuse me, but I don't think Bradley dying is exactly a laughing matter."

"You were being serious?" He asked me, clearly amused about something.

"Of course. Don't you remember?"

"I actually don't remember, because he never died. He's perfectly fine. What kind of meds did the doctor give you?"

"What in the hell are you talking about?" I asked him, getting a little mad.

"Let me tell you what happened."

"That would be nice."

"It's not really much to explain. You were stopped at a red light when a person who was texting and driving rear ended you. That caused your car to flip and roll into a ditch. You were immediately sent to the hospital, and you went into a coma. You've been in a come for about two months now."

"So you're saying that the gang never went to South Carolina, Peyton Meyer didn't happen, Leo and Olivia never broke up, Peyrah never moved, Liv never had the dream about a car accident, Girl Meets The New World never happened, Row never came back from Africa, Paustin didn't get pregnant, or engaged, Fallon and Cade, Lauren and Colt never got engaged, Bradley and Jake's moms weren't in w plane crash in Europe, Bradley and Sabrina never broke up, this one scares me, and Bradley never died? None of this happened?"

"A few of those things happened, but how in the hell do you get a death of Bradley?"


He laughed and ignored the question before walking out of the room. What in the hell is he doing?

He came back in a couple seconds later with a tired-looking Bradley in tow.

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