Oh, By The Way

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I wake up earlier than usual so I put on my button up red dress then grab my keyboard and turn on my webcam. I sing Love You Like A Love Song then set up and sing Fist City. I edit and upload both videos. Then Jared looks in.

You're up and at it early this morning.

I smile and stand up as my computer shuts off but his eye widen.

Wow you look pretty.

I smile feeling good.

Thanks I feel good so I want to look good. I gave Robin my check for the house so we should be able to move in next month after my birthday.

He smirks.

How's Will feel about us living together? I mean he doesn't like me.

I frown.

I haven't told him but it's my house and I say who can live in it, not my boyfriend. I'll tell him and see what he says.

He nods and we head out to our cars. I park and hop out of my truck and Tanner stares but I just smile and walk over to Will who looks me over and grunts then kisses me before smacking and squeezing my bottom. Then Maddie walks over rattling on to while Will talks to Jason and Mike. Until Kimmie runs over throwing her arms around Will's neck saying she misses him and she's sorry. I don't hesitate or let him answer. I grab her by her hair yanking her off him.

Get your hands off my boyfriend before I break your face!

She scowls.

You're not his girlfriend I am! He loves me.

I look at Will who shakes his head.

Tell her Will. Before I hurt her.

Kimmie you're a whore. I don't want anything to do with you. Go back to Phil.

She scoffs angrily.

But Will baby. You said we'd stay together.

She steps toward him again so I step between them.

You touch him and were fighting.

Will wraps his arm around my waist pulling me back.

Now baby that's not a fair fight. She's a pussy compared to you.

I laugh smirking.

I don't care. If she touches you. I'll break her nose.

He chuckles and kisses me then looks at her as she scoffs and storms off. Maddie laughs as Amber and Marissa walk over wrapping their arms around us and us girls walk in together while our boyfriends follow us in. As the four of us pass Erik I see him smirk but it quickly fades as the guys catch up. Jared takes Marissa off to her locker, Tanner and Amber take off. Then Luke and Maddie leave so I look at Will while he waits. I grab my things while he puts his arm around my waist leaning in to kiss me but Erik's watching and I know he'll send us to the office so I turn my head making him kiss my cheek. I whisper to him why and he nods. Class goes pretty quickly so I grab my clothes and walk with Amber to change when Erik and Mrs. Little cross our path but she stops us.

Tabitha before you leave today can you come to my class? I need to test some of my equipment and your one of the only students I know who's brave enough to help me.

I look at Amber confused by her statement but shrug.

Alright as long as it doesn't take to long. I have my classes then Jared and I have to get to work.

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