Is it kuroko x izaya or akashi ?

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Hello everyone^w^ I so glad you all like my story and I will be adding 2 new people into my story in this chapter I hope you all like it and if you wants anything to happen please tell me thank you everyone

Akashi PoV
' Tetsuya where are you please be safe ' I through as I was running to the address that could possibly where the kidnapping took my Tetsuya 'damn Izaya going to pay for what he is doing to my Tetsuya ' I am almost there I can see the abandoned werehouse as I get closer I bumped into someone

no one PoV

As akashi was running he didn't see who he bumped into and when e looked down he was a small girl with big green eyes and white as snow hair with once red bit in it." I am sorry I wasn't looking where I was going " akashi said and help the girl to stand up " anoo thank you but I must be on my way now please excuse me" the girl said before runing off.'werid akashi was about to open the door to the werehouse when they open and standing with a smirk on his face was Izaya with a blushing Kuroko in his arms " Tetsuya "

" akashi Kun" Kuroko said. He didn't know what to do he was falling for Izaya but still loved akashi. " well this is interesting you got all my clues right you really are as smart as they say Akashi Seijuro " akashi glared at Izaya and took out his scissors and put them at Izaya neck within seconds." Give me back my Tetsuya " he said slowly.

Izaya laughed" haha well too bad why don't you let him choose what he wants " and both of them looked where Kuroko was meant to be but he was gone " TETSUYA/TETSU " and with that akashi and Izaya both went to find the one they love.

~~~~~~~ different place---/--------

In a small park in Ikebukuro a small girl with white hair and one red bit in it and big green eyes was walking around looking for somone 'where could he have gone ,Baka Baka Baka , he said he was going for a walk that was this morning and he hasn't come back yet ok Asha breathe '

the girl stop to breathe and then she was push or bumped into by someone and end up in the lake that was there "AAA" Kuroko who was runing /limping because of his foot bening sore  , bumped into something and then notice it was a girl " I so sorry I didn't see you are you ok " he said trying to help the girl out of the lake 'why am I so unnoticeable , he looked a like he has just been a hit targets for those gang ' " anoo I am fine thank you , it's fine don't worry and you should be more worried about yourself are you ok "

the girl said giving a soft smile.' She sweet just almost just like Momoi San , have I met her before ' I fine , I am Kuroko Tetsuya it's nice meeting you " Kuroko bow a bit " I am layasha yuki nice meeting you oh by chance you haven't seen a small boy with one blue and red eyes and has blue hair similar to your and is very cute and talks to himself " the girl (layasha) asked.

Kuroko through for a bit 'I did see a boy with the same hair as me at the cafe but he might not be there' " I not sure there was a boy that had the same hair as me at the cafe not too far from here but that was yesterday , why are you looking for him is he special to you " Kuroko asked. Layasha blushed and looked away " hai he is and I need to find him " she said about to burst into tears." I can help you look" layasha looked happier " you will thank you are you sure don't you have thing to do, I don't want to -" no it fine " Kuroko smiled and with that both of them went looking while Izaya and akashi was looking for Kuroko too.

Kuroko and layasha looked everywhere but couldn't find him they asked Shinra and Celty and they asked Shizuo and they also asked in cafes and shops. They were next to the river in a different small park when "TETSUYA /TETSU "Kuroko turn around 'I not ready right now ' " are they your friends " layasha asked.
" yes " akashi was the first one there bening the fastest he hugged Kuroko " Tetsuya I was so worried please don't do that again" Kuroko eyes widen when he say akashi was crying " Sei Kun " Izaya pushed akashi off Kuroko and hugged him and was crying but didn't let anyone see " Izaya Kun , Sei Kun please don't cry " " Tetsu we looked everywhere for you " akashi " and couldn't find you we were worried what if you got killed or worse " akashi finish what Izaya was going to say. " hai I sorry but I don't know who to pick I don't want to pick I love you both please don't figh any more " Kuroko started crying too and saying. His feeling.

Akashi and Kuroko and there 'peaceful ' lifeWhere stories live. Discover now