I so sorry Akashi kun

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I sorry everyone it's been a while, I have been busy and college is stressful. I hope you all like my update it might be a bit sad but in the new chapter it be happier so don't hate me !!! Please!!! Enjoy everyone !


It's been a few week seen then and Kuroko has been developing feeling for Izaya as well as his love for Akashi. Just for the small thing he dose like Izaya showing up with follow and dragging Kuroko around Ikebukuro avoiding a blonde cute monster (Shizuo chan )

Or like how Izaya would buy Kuroko favourite vanilla milkshake or anything he wants even if Kuroko didn't ask for it.

〰〰〰Kuroko PoV

Ah not again , Akashi KUN is so stressed and block me out again. Kuroko has just make dinner for him and akashi when akashi walk outside to his meeting , I wins we spend more time together. Just then someone knock at the door ,

maybe Akashi Kun. Forgot something thing , Kuroko through as he opened the door with a smile on his face but was wipe of as he saw who was at his door

Instead of Akashi

it was Izaya with his famous smirk " hello Tet chan  how ya been ." Kuroko blush slightly at the name but answered " I have been well Izaya Kun  , how are you and what are you doing here " Kuroko asked ' it feel Werid calling him Izaya but I did agreed to that deal as alone as Akashi Kun is safe' Izaya smile knowing what Kuroko what thinking ," well I just came to ask if you wanted to have dinner  "   

"anoo Izaya Kun I don't think that's a good idea "  Izaya just smirked " how about I make dinner " he just walked pass Kuroko well that's just perfect

After half a hour

Izaya had set the table for 2 and make a simple dinner of curry . Kuroko blushes as Izaya foot touches his ankle " ano Izaya Kun this is nice where did you learn to cook " Izaya smiles and moved his foot again so now it was rubbing Kuroko ankle where there was only skin.

"I learned when I was in high school  after all I do live by myself can you cook tet chan " oh no what do I do I feel hot and my ankle is weird maybe I should say something , no. I can't grrr I don't understand this '

"et chan , Hey Tet chan " " huh yes Izaya Kun " Kuroko look up when he heard his name " sorry I was just thinking what did you say

"  Izaya just smirkes " it's dosent matter anymore we are finish would you like to read a book "

" hai Izaya Kun"

After cleaning the dishes both Kuroko and Izaya went up to Kuroko room to pick a book but Izaya had other plans as he lock the door.

And turned the lights off

" ano iizaya Kun why did you turn the lights off "  Kuroko felt like he got throw on his bed and pinned down and he also felt a hot breath at his ear " I can't hold back anymore Tet chan I want you " Izaya whispered and  kissed and suck Kuroko ear " I Izaya Kun what are you doing "'why do I like it so much  but Akashi Kun "
Izaya pulled Kuroko top off and moved his hands all over Kuroko body

"iizaya Kun" " you already know the answer dearest Tet chan " Izaya kissed Kuroko'

what am I doing I kissing back why why do I love both of them '

Kuroko eyes started to tear up but just before Izaya broke the kiss the door was slammed open


there stood a in rage Akashi Seijuro with a pair of blood red scissors in both his hands 

Kuroko blushes and paled this could only get wrost I so sorry Sei Kun

I hope you all liked that sorry it short ><

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