Save tetsuya !

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I hope you like this next part I had writer block I didn't know what to write but I do now ^w^
No one POV

Kuroko sat up still sore and tired ' what is that banging ' he through.

At the front of the building aomine and kise were taking down the guards
while Akashi and Izaya were heading down to the basement where they think Kuroko is beening held and midorima  and murasakibara where hacking into the cameras to help them  " Aomine , kise head to the top of the building we will take the basement" Akashi yelled.


The door open and Kai came through and grab Kuroko " your little friends found us " ' Sei Kun , Izaya Kun ' Kuroko through while he struggled against Kai " please let me go" Kai laugh and kick Kuroko and grab his hair to hold him up " in not going down that easy "

he smirk evilly just when they turn around Akashi and Izaya arrive at the door leading out " Tetsuya " 

Kai pulled his gun out and held it against Kuroko head " Sei Kun , Iza-" Kuroko was cut of by a slam on the head by Kai's gun " well it looks like you found us Izaya San " Kai smirked.

Izaya smiled back " yes I have and I believe you have something that is mine I would like him back " Izaya step forward but stop when Kai hit Kuroko again.

'damn it ah that's it misdirected' Akashi through.

While Kai talked to Izaya Akashi snuck around them whose Kuroko and Kai " well it was nice talking to you Kai Kun "
Izaya finished noticing. Akashi was beside kai.

Akashi stab his scissors into Kai neck and gently took Kuroko from him while Izaya kicked and punched Kai until he was unrecognisable. 

" Akashicc izayaicc there no one else in here " kise said as they arrive at the door "

TETSU" aomine ran  to help." Sei Kun , Izaya Kun you came" Kuroko said before passing out " he is ok" Akashi kiss Kuroko head and let aomine carry Kuroko out while kise phone the ambulance.

The ambulance arrived 30 minutes after and Akashi and Izaya went with them while kise and aomine talked to the police and explain everything
Then after headed to the hospital to check on Kuroko.

Kuroko POV

' warm it's so warm where am I ' Kuroko slowly open his eyes expecting to see the dark basement but instead saw the white ceiling of the hospital " your awake "

Kuroko turn his head to the voice and saw Akashi siting there " Sei Kun your here" Kuroko smiled, Akashi leaned over and kissed Kuroko gently on the lips " yes I am and I am happy your ok my Tetsuya " Kuroko blush

" hey where my kiss Tet chan " Kuroko look to the other side and saw Izaya smiling face close in until he too gently kiss Kuroko on the lips making him blush more " your safe now we not letting you out of our site again or ever " Izaya said.

'they both came, I am so happy "
Without realising it Kuroko started crying." Tetsuya/Tet chan are you ok " both Akashi and Izaya jump up with  worry "

I am ok it's just " Kuroko blushed and with big tears eyes and a bit smile said " I love you both so much Sei Kun and Izzy Kun " Kuroko pulled them both into a hug " we love you too Tet chan/ Tetsuya " Izaya and Akashi both kiss Kuroko cheek.

Akashi and Kuroko and there 'peaceful ' lifeWhere stories live. Discover now