Kise and Aomine kun !!

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I glad you all like my story and thank you all ^w^ I hope you like this next part and I can't pick the pairing
Kuroko x Akashi
Kuroko x Izaya
Kuroko x both
Please help me pick I love them all ><

Kuroko pov

Ah where am I
Kuroko looked around and didn't know where he was until he his home ring
Kuroko pulled the phone away from his ear at kise loins whining " kise Kun please stop shouting we are both fine and don't worry so much "
At the other end kise got hit on the hit and aomine grabbed the phone of him
" yo Tetsu where are you we are at your house but no one is there" at that moment Akashi went to check up on Kuroko " Tetsuya you should be resting not up yet" Akashi saw the phone in Kuroko hands and took it off him" hello Daiki I will give you the address we are at and remember to behave " Akashi quickly hanged the phone up and kiss Kuroko head " how are you feeling " Kuroko blushes slightly " I am feeling fine Sei Kun are you and Izaya Kun OK " he asked
Izaya walk in with Shinra " Tet chan your up dose you head hurt are you ok how are you feeling" Izaya hug Kuroko " Izaya Kun I am fine and please let me go " Izaya smirked at Akashi and lightly kissed Kuroko on the lips and he blushes but Akashi was anger but held back , scared of hurting his Kuroko again.

time skip ~~~~~

Kise and Aomine burst into the room and kise hugging  Kuroko " KUROKOICC I WAS WORRIED ARE YOU OK YOUR NOT HURT ARE YOU I THROUGH YOU GOT KIDNAPPED AND AKAS-"

" Oy Kise your hurting him get him space " Aomine hit  kise on the head " meaniee ssu "

" well as much as this is interesting I want to know who you two. Are and why your hugging my Tet chan " a voice said while hands found there way on Kuroko hips hugging him proactively and Izaya head on top of Kuroko's smiling nicely.
Both aomine and kise paled before Aomine was going to grab Kuroko away from the akashi like person." Anoo Izaya Kun please don't hurt my friends this is Aomine Kun and kise Kun and you guys this is Izaya Kun my " " his lover ". Izaya cut in and then a pair of scissors found its way on the wall behide Izaya head. " are you testing my patience because I will kill you now gets your hands off my Tetsuya before I chop them off ." Akashi approach Izaya and Kuroko and pulled Kuroko out of Izaya hands while Izaya just smiles " someone in a mood you could be nice Aka chan " Akashi glared at Izaya " don't call me that "  and put his scissor at Izaya neck while Izaya pulled his knife out and just as fast put them at Akashi neck. They are both evil , both Aomine and kise through while they paled

" please don't fight Sei Kun and Izaya Kun your starting kise Kun " Kuroko said and payed kise head he treats him like a dog ,Izaya through confused. " wait wait so Tetsu your telling me that Izaya and Akashi are your lovers " Aomine said confused.
Kuroko blushes" anoo I love them both but they can't get alone. Aomine just stared at Kuroko " ok well is it ok if we stay until you get better " Shinra nodded his head " I am off to bed you can sleep on the couch Aomine Kun and kise Kun , Akashi ku-" " I be sleeping with Tetsuya// Tet chan" Izaya and akashi said at the same time.

Then akashi and Izaya slept on the same bed with Kuroko while kise and Aomine took the couch.  

I sorry this is so late I been busy and I have writing block so I not sure what to write so I need help please  thank you  xx 😊😊😊^w^

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