Akashi vs Izaya Who will win??

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I happy you like my last update I sorry it took so long after this chapter I going to do  a Christmas/ new year special ( I know it late but I still want to do it ) enjoy ^w^

Akashi stood there with his scissors and eyes glowing full of rage " get your hands off Tetsuya" Izaya just smirkes and took out his twin knifes " I sorry Aka chan but your not the only one in love with him so let have some fun ne "

Akashi just glared and took steps forward as well as Izaya until Izaya laughed and throw his knife at Akashi , Akashi side step so the knife missed. Akashi griped Izaya arm enough to leave a bruise and pointed his scissors at his throat " well you have gotten a little slow Aka chan "

Izaya kicked Akashi and make him fall but Akashi used ankle break on Izaya to make him all too. While they where fighting Kuroko was on my he bed of the messed up room " Izaya Kun Sei Kun " he whispered but akashi and Izaya couldn't hear him because they where too busy fighting.
No one notice how Kuroko had a knife in his shoulder and blood red scissors on his chest bleeding


Kuroko shouted. They both turned around to see a bleeding Kuroko in the bed


they both ran to him. Izaya was on the phone while akashi try to stop the bleeding " I so sorry Tetsuya please forgive me I sorry "  Akashi was crying  " Sei Kun please don't cry I be fine but please don't fight with Izaya Kun too I learn to love both of you but please get along  with him"Kuroko was starting to feel light headed so he leaded  his on Akashi chest.

Izaya can back and try to bang up the cuts " Tet chan I can't lose you I love you " Izaya had a few tear on his face. Kuroko cup both of Izaya and akashi face and kiss them both " Izaya Kun , Sei Kun I love you both too please go on a get to know you date so you don't fight "  Kuroko smiled.

Akashi laughed " a ..... Date ..... With him Tetsuya maybe you hit your head " Izaya just looked shocked until Kuroko smiled and the both blushed" please it be good for you 2 I need to buy you both a Christmas present " Tetsuya/Tet chan I want you as my Christmas present " the both said at the same time .

Kuroko just laughed before coughing up blood " we need to get him to Shinra he know what to do " with that Izaya and Akashi got into Akaahi car with Kuroko and went to Shinra.


Shinra shout with hearts in his eyes . Celty wrote on her phone " no peeking and isn't Izaya Kun coming around soon " 
" yes he is , he should be here any minute now , I go make some tea "

Shinra was about to go into the kitchen when the door open and Akashi carrying Kuroko with Izaya beside came in   " please help him

"  Akashi  said while Izaya took Kuroko off Akashi and place him in Shinra table " Shinra please help him he was stab by scissors and a knife " Izaya said trying to stay calm but panicked on the inside "

he lost a lot of blood Izaya but Il help him he might be unconscious for a few days "  Akashi took one of Kuroko hands " please just save him "

A few hours later Shinra came out and akashi and Izaya stood up " well" that time Celty was talking to akashi " he is going to be fine but just be careful around his chest  it's also got a lot of bruise there

"  Shinra gave a worried look to Celty.  " Thank you " both Izaya and Akashi said at the same time before glaring at each other. " Izaya what is going on . Celty typed ."

Akashi sign before he went to explain but Izaya was doing the same thing " ok ok Ok Akashi San please go first " Akasho glared at Izaya" well this Dumass information biker fell in love with my Tetsuya and I got jealous and angry so we had a fight of unfortunate now of us notice that we hit Tetuya and he got hurt "
Shinra just stare at Izaya " Izaya fell in love Oh MY DARLING CELTY IT LIKE WATCHING A SON GROW UP SPEAKING OF SONS LET GO AND -" Shinra got cut off by Celty putting a apple in his mouth.  

" well you two can rest in the spare room until Kuroko Kun wakes up. Celty typed and show it to Izaya and akashi " we only have one spare room so you will have to share "

Izaya looked dumstuck and Akashi looked really to kill Izaya at any time.

Akashi and Kuroko and there 'peaceful ' lifeWhere stories live. Discover now