Habit 4 " Your sausage is big "

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To begin with a sweet and exciting conversation with your future girlfriend, fiancee or wife start it with simple compliments. Ask her why she wears that beautiful smile and how her make up complements the radiance of her skin. Remind her that her last hairstyle was as glamorous as she has right now. Compliment her choices in food, restaurant, books, and jewelry. A simple appreciation of her will make her feel that she is your world.

Women are fun of expressing their feeling in a vague and ambiguous statement that is why a man should sharply observe it. If your lady tells you that " I love your biceps" she wanted to hear from you that her figure is amazing and how did she maintain such a beautiful body physique. If she said " I like it when you hug me" she just wanted to hear how much your presence is of importance. She wanted to feel and hear that the way she cares for you is the best expression of love.

Every woman takes extra effort to make their appearance appealing and exciting in your presence and all they need is your validation to make them feel satisfied through your sweet words of encouragement. The best ego-booster is simple and genuine words of appreciation coming from someone you love. It adds glory to your days and it can fulfill your emotional soundness too.

However, be careful of complimenting your partner because it could be redundant and inappropriate. There are instances that you wanted to make her happy and you say complimentary words at the wrong time and at the wrong place which will put her into a complete embarrassment.

Learn more history about your partner and have thorough knowledge about areas of her body that she always avoid discussing. For instance, you brought her a pair of pearl earrings and told her that " This pair of pearl earrings will make you look like a star of the sea or will make you as beautiful as Ariel. This will add as well  radiance to your soft ears."  That is both overstatement and understatement. A woman doesn't like to be compared with anyone even with mythical creatures like a mermaid and the worst side is, you are insulting your girlfriend by telling her that the pearl earrings will add radiance to her ears. You knew that your girlfriend has ears larger than Roger Rabbit and how could you be so apathetic to say those words. Your gesture of cheerfulness is jeopardized by you being tactless.

Do not exaggerate things. Make sure that when you are praising your partner it is simple, clear and directly coming from the heart so that her heart can accept it with gusto and enthusiasm.

Another tip is to avoid the usage of slang words in providing praises to your girlfriend. You are not Snoop Dog to say "Drop it like it's hot " to your better half. This is totally and beyond doubt an act of being disrespectful. Be on guard with your words. You could say beautiful instead of sexy or pretty instead of smoking hot. Your girlfriend doesn't have dengue fever to be called hot. Always remember the usage of appropriate words depicts how you were raised by your parents.

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