Habit 17 " Be My Ribs, Spareribs"

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                    "So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then he took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man."
—Genesis 2:21–22

                      From a biblical standpoint, a woman is made from a man's rib which makes a good connection between the two beings.  Thus in the manner being exemplified, we can say that man will always be a woman's saving grace, a helper, and a mentor. It is a man's obligation to feed the woman with love, respect, and support all the time.

                     Your partner will be grateful and experience peace if she finds you comforting her in a moment of grief due to the loss of his parents, she will feel the grace if you stand beside her if she was fired from the job, and surely she will be at ease if you express that you are a  co-partner in her gestational period and raising the kids.

                    A man will always be a confidant and a refuge for a woman who is in distress and in crisis. In a relationship, although you are considered as one, you are still an individual with personal issues and needs. Instead of letting your woman find comfort in the presence of her friends why not make use of yourself as a person whom she can trust and deliver all her emotions, uncertainties, and worries? Listening to your wife or partner vent makes you a good and caring partner and even a friend. You don't need to say a word but just listening and giving your time to her is comforting and reassuring. A listening man will serve the intention of removing all the doubts and fears of his better half. 

               As a man, you must live in a cycle of giving and providing. It is not just about temporal necessities by toiling the earth just to feed your family but above all, it is through giving yourself, sacrificing for the common good of your relationship, and your presence in every squall in the life of your partner and family.

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