Habit 13¨No Cheat Meal On A Cheat Day¨

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We often hear this saying that ¨ When that cat's away the mice will play¨ hey dude this is not applicable to you.

Being involved in a relationship is pure and wholesome commitment. It encompasses honesty which is the product of love and security. Just because your girlfriend or wife has a weekend vacation with her friends you are free to do whatever you want such as spending more time on cyberspace and going out with friends with bunch of chicks.

Commitment in a relationship is a vow that you will continue to remain faithful no matter what the circumstances, set-back, and flaws that you will find out in your journey together. You will never take the opportunity to succumb to temptation if you are given the circumstances that make it possible to do something.

Cheating is a choice and not to cheat is a good choice. We may say that in our modern world, most men cheat and it is normal. No, it is not normal and actually to cheat is not a matter of leverage for masculinity or being a stereotype to the male gender. Let us remember that in the context of the Bible the first person who recognized and accept temptation is Eve and then cascade it to Adam. But let is not be frantic about this because cheating is not attached to any gender, it is a matter of choice and willingness to withstand or yield to it. 

Cheating is not only about dating another woman when you are in a relationship or married.  Posting pictures of your celebrity crush, or popular woman on social media on your Instagram and putting it on your  ¨My Day¨ or Facebook status for the purpose of just being a fan is not acceptable particularly if you shared a commitment with someone.

Watching pornographic films by which you are sexually aroused by the scene than your intimate moment with your partner is considered as cheating. Cheating is not just about physical contact with someone outside your relationship. Cheating can be done through the innocent like exchanging of text messages ¨Chexting¨ to your female friend or fellow worker specifically if it has nothing rational reason of communication or of importance. Confiding your emotion to a female friend about your issues in concern with your partner where you find an emotional connection with someone than your girlfriend or wife is emotional cheating. If you are deeply in love with your partner your emotional bond will never be tainted by other's sympathy and affection.

The highly destructive and damaging issue in a relationship is the failure to bind to fidelity. It is an uphill battle that only a gentleman with unconditional sense of emotional and spiritual soundness will have faculty to overcome it.

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