5) I Fucking Love You!

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Chloes' P.O.V

Well, Ed knows everything. He knows exactly what my birth-giver done to me. I'm sort of worried that he would judge me now that he knows, but I'm also kind of relieved I told him.

I heard a slight groan, then realized I was in Eds bed, and he was sleeping next to me. At first, I was scared. I thought we had sex last night, but then I realized we were both completely dressed. I then remembered that I had fell asleep, whilst talking to him about stuff.

"Hmm. Hey," Ed interrupted my thoughts.

He actually sounded quite sexy when he was sleepy.

"Hey." I whispered in reply.

He looked up at me and flashed me a small, cute smile. He wrapped his arm around me, and snuggled his head on my stomach. His head on my stomach actually felt quite comforting. I guess I sort of liked it, but I was confused as to why he done it.

"Uh, Ed?" I questioned.

"Mmm." He groaned in acknowledgment.

"Um, yeah. What are you doing?" I asked.

"Well, I'm hugging you, and resting my head on your belly. Isn't it obvious?" He replied.

"Um, why?" I hissed confused.

Ed didn't reply straight away. Instead of replying first, he made his way from my stomach, to my chest, to my neck, to my face.

"Because I love you." He whispered. His hot breath making me shiver, and making my heart melt.

"R-really?" I shakily stuttered.

"Really." He confidently assured me.

With that being said, he crashed his soft, lusious, pink lips against mine. It sent a tingle down my spine. This was the best moment in my life. Our lips finally parted, and I had to ask him the question.

"Why do you like me, Ed? Like, why did you say you love me? Why did you kiss me? Why?" I stressed.

"I love you because you have an amazing personality. You have an awesome sense of humor. You're the strongest person I know, considering what you've been through. And too top that all off, you're beautiful. Chloe, I love you, and I've never been more sure of anything in my life." He assured me.

"I think I love you too, Ed. I think I actually do." I whispered.

He let out a small, cute giggle. Then he kissed me again. He picked me up, as he was still kissing me, and pushed my up against the wall for support. He started groaning as he was kissing me, and he started smiling. I let out a little gasp myself, caused by how over whelming the touch of his lips on mine was.

"I love you, Chloe." He breathed.

"I love you too, Teddy." I giggled.

"Teddy? Never thought you'd call me that." He giggled against my my lips.

Instead of replying, I just crashed my lips against his, and he just giggled again. He brushed his tongue on my bottom lip, which made my knees weak.

This is the best day of my life!

Eds P.O.V

I had to get a drink, so I walked downstairs, with Chloe holding my hand and giggling as I giggled along.

"What are you doing, Teddy?" She giggled.

"Just getting a drink. Jesus, one day and you're already nagging." I sighed with a laugh.

She pinched my bum, followed by a smack. I jumped at the sudden movement, then giggled again.

"Want a drink, baby?" I asked her rather politely, as I looked at her and flashed her a smile, and a small wink.

She turned as pink as a cute, little, piglet. She's was adorable when she blushed like that. "Yes please. Oh, and Ed,?"

"Hmm," I hummed in acknowledgment.

"That was the first time you called me baby." She whispered in my ear.

I spun around, wrapping my arms around her, and smashing my lips against hers again. For the second time, I ran my tongue against her bottom lip, and she smiled and giggled.

"Teddy!" She moaned. "How long have you been able to kiss like that?"

"Haha, that's for me to know, and for you to find out, baby." I seductively whispered in her ear.

"Can we watch Nemo?" Chloe asked, a puppy dog look on her face.

"Of course." I giggled, pinching her cheeks, as they lit up. "I'll just grab some popcorn, chips, chocolate, the usual snacks and I'll set it up on Netflix."

"YAY! WE'RE GONNA WATCH NEMO! NEMO, NEMO, NEMO, NEMO!" She chanted. "And the enenanemanamany, enemananany, ene- oh fuck it." She attempted.

I laughed at her attempt of a word I couldn't even say, and shook my head. I finished filling up the bowls with popcorn, chips, skittles, malteasers, and wrapped chocolates such as mars bars, snickers, crunchies, and picknicks.

"Hurry up, Ted!" I heard Chloe scream from the lounge room.

I just ignored her call, and picked up the snacks and walked in to where the shout was from.

"You're finally here, ya big goof ball." She giggled as she smiled at me.

I chuckled and sat down the bowls of food on the coffee table. I looked at Chloe, and gave her a wink as I sat down next to her. She smiled at me, and I crashed my lips against hers, resting one hand on her thigh, and the other on her waist as she ran her fingers through my hair. I finally stuck my tongue into her lips, and she flicked her tongue at mine.

This felt right, you know? Sitting here, kissing Chloe, and feeling loved by someone who I loved as well. And I really did love her. It's not like I was just saying it for the fun of it.

I pulled away. "I really do love you, Chloe." I whispered.

"I love you too, Ed. A lot." She replied. "Can we watch Nemo now?" She asked.

I laughed at her and nodded, putting it on. I looked at her again, and she looked way to excited to watch Nemo than a normal twenty or so year old should, but I loved her, and didn't want to love anyone else.

Now that she knows how I feel, and I know how she feels, I can live in peace knowing that I'm loving the girl who loves me, and that girl was Chloe.

Heyy! By the way guys, I really do love Nemo, and can't pronounce that stupid word! Please vote/comment pleease! Ily!

But Was It Worth It? //Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now