Chapter 3

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"Hi! Im Troutpaw!" Rainshades apprentice introduced himself. "Hello,I'm Heatherpaw." Heatherpaw smiled at the tom. "So,do you like being a medicine cat?" He asked. Heatherpaw nodded,"Yeah! It's great." "Troutpaw! Let's go!" Rainshade beckonded his tail for the apprentice. "Bye!" The two said in unison. Heatherpaw and Fawnheart made their way back to EarthcClan.

"Good morning,Hazelpaw!" Heatherpaw smiled at her sister. "Hi!" Hazelpaw replied. "Are you having fun? Being a warrior and all?" Heatherpaw asked. Hazelpaws eyes brightend,"It's loads of fun! I wish you were a warrior too!" "I don't understand the point in hurting somecat. I'm more of a healing kind of cat." Heatherpaw shrugged. "I gotta go! I'm on the Moon High patrol." Hazelpaw flicked her tail goodbye and trotted off to Redwing. "Heatherpaw! If you haven't heard Apsentail is expecting kits,so we must check on her." Fawnheart said heading to the nursery. "Put your paw on her flank." "Do you feel any movement?" Fawnheart asked. Heatherpaw yanked her paw back,"Yes! I felt two kits, I believe." Fawnheart nodded,"Good job." The medicine cats went inside their den and sorted herbs. "Fawnheart,Heatherpaw!" Sandpaw wailed. "Whats wrong?" Heatherpaw asked. "I have a thorn in my paw!" He wailed again. Heatherpaw rolled her eyes,"Let me get it out." She gently pulled the thorn out with her teeth. She put a small amount of cob web on his paw and sent him off. "Thanks!" Sandpaw purred. Heatherpaw nodded at him and smiled. "It feels good healing cats." Heatherpaw purred. Fawnheart purred back,"Thats why I love my job!"



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