Chapter 1

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I pulled my jacket closer to my slightly shivering body as I walked down the street. I kicked a pebble into the middle of the road, slowing down to watch it bounce and land with a splash in a puddle. It was currently 8 am and I was making my way to the Curtis household. I was sick of hearing my brother Steve complain about there being only cold water for his shower, so I decided to go see if the guys were up. They most likely are though. They sure do get up early for the time their heads hit their pillows.

The light mid-September morning breeze was making me colder than I already was. Damn, I wish I had a warmer jacket and not this stupid ripped up hand-me-down from my mom.

I suddenly heard tires screeching from behind, causing me to turn around, only to see a red mustang headed straight for me. Stupid Socs. I could hear their wild, loud laughter as they drove by, and suddenly I was soaked. They had driven through a puddle, splashing its water all over me in the process.

"Scumbags!" I yelled out to them, even though they were too far away now to hear me. I began to shiver fiercely. I'm freezing! Thank god the Curtis' house is only about a block away.

As soon as I walked through the gates of the Curtis home, I could hear a slight commotion coming from inside, everybody up and getting ready to start their Friday. I walked through the door and was greeted to the sight of Two-Bit who was sitting on the couch staring at the TV (most likely watching Mickey Mouse) and Darry who was standing next to the couch tucking his shirt into his pants. Darry looked up at me as soon as I was inside.

"You're soaking wet, kid! What happened?" He asked, his face suddenly full of concern. The thought of what happened not even twenty minutes earlier sent a jolt of anger through me.

"Damn Socs drove through a puddle that was next to me while I was walking here and got me soaked!" I answered, rubbing my arms to try to dry the wetness and relieve the cold, but failed to do so.

"Well, you can ask Pony to get you one of his shirts. Soda may have some sweatpants you can borrow also." Darry offered. The very thought of wearing something that belonged to Sodapop made me scrunch up my face in disgust. Not in a way as in because his clothes would be gross and dirty, but in a way that I don't want to wear anything of his because I don't really like him too much. You see, Soda and I don't really get along to well. I don't know what it is, we just don't. We're always looking to pick fights (verbally) with each other. I don't know, he's just really obnoxious and annoying. I was about to reject Darry's offers, but decided against it, seeing as to how he was only trying to help and it was nice of him to do so. Plus, I'm freezing and might catch a cold if I don't get out of these clothes soon.

"Ok. Thanks, Darry." I said, smiling as I continued to rub my arms. I walked into the kitchen where I knew Pony most likely was. He was leaning against the counter eating a piece of toast while reading a book. As soon as I walked in, he looked up, his eyes slightly widening once they took in my appearance.

"Jeez, Lil, you lookin' to catch a cold?" he asked. I chuckled.

"Naw, just some stupid Socs drove through a puddle and drenched me. Darry said you might have a shirt I can borrow?"

"Yeah, sure. Come on." He said, putting his book down and finishing his last piece of toast, wiping his hands on his jeans as we made our way towards his room. We went in and he grabbed a black t-shirt from his closet a handed it to me. I took it and held it away from me, trying not to get it wet. I smiled at him.

"Thanks, Pony." I said. He lightly blushed.

"No problem." He answered, and with that, we walked out. On our way back to the kitchen, I turned my head towards him, ready to ask the dreaded question.

"Hey, you know where Soda is?" I asked. He turned his head and looked at me, surprised. Everyone knows that Soda and I can't stand each other, so me asking where he is was probably a shocker.

"Um, yeah. He's in the shower. Why?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowing. I sighed.

"Darry said that he may have a pair of sweatpants that I can borrow." Pony understandingly nodded his head.

"Ah. Makes sense." He said. I nodded as well. Pony glanced up at the clock. "Well, I have to get to school. See ya later, Lil." He said, grabbing his bag that was next to the fridge and walking away.

"Bye Pony!" I called out. He waved, walking out the door. I walked into the living room, noticing that Darry wasn't here anymore. He must've left. Dang it, I didn't get to say goodbye. Well, it's 8:40 now and the DX Station opens at a later time today, so I guess that Steve, Soda and I will have to walk to work today. I work at the station with them. I'm one of the few girls in this town who actually knows a whole bunch of stuff about cars and can also work on them. The rest are just dimwits who try to impress guys with knowing the difference between a Mustang and a Beetle.

I walked behind the couch and past Two-Bit, who was staring intently at the TV screen, watching as Mickey danced around with his friends. God, he loves that show way too much. I walked over to the bathroom and (non-creepily) listened, not hearing the sound of the shower running. Soda must be out, and frankly, I want to get out of these freezing wet clothes before I catch a cold and turn into a prune! I knocked on the door, hearing Soda yell out a couple of seconds later.


"Hey, Pop, get out! I need..." I briefly paused, not believing what I was actually saying. "I need your help with something." He probably knew that it was me because I'm the only one who calls him Pop. I do it just to annoy him. He said he hates it because it makes him feels old or something, but I don't really care that much. I just want to be able to annoy him.

I heard nothing from inside for a couple more seconds, when suddenly the door swung open, revealing Soda standing there in his jeans and his DX shirt, which was unbuttoned with no t-shirt underneath. He obviously hadn't done his hair yet because it was still wet and slightly wild. He also had a toothbrush hanging from his mouth. As much as I hate to admit it, Soda is a pretty attractive guy. Not that I'd ever tell anyone I think that though.

"You need my help? With what?" he asked, his words slightly muffled from the toothpaste foam, which was now starting to drip from his mouth. I rolled my eyes.

"Do you not see my soaking wet clothes? I really need some bottoms and Darry said that you may have some sweatpants I can borrow. If I don't get out of these freezing wet clothes soon I might get hypothermia!" I exclaimed. Soda glanced over me (if I didn't know any better I would've thought that he was checking me out) and sighed, taking his toothbrush out of his mouth and rinsing it off, then spit the toothpaste foam out of his mouth and wiped it with a towel.

"Come on," he said, pushing past me, heading for his room. I followed him, stopping in the doorway while he looked through some drawers. Finally, he pulled a pair of grey sweatpants out and tossed them to me, and I almost didn't catch them. I glared at him.

"How'd you get all wet anyway?" he asked, turning around and looking at me. My eyes widened slightly at his question. It wasn't like him to usually ask me about things, or anything at all, really. I didn't even think that he would be slightly concerned at all.

"Um, I was on my way here when some Socs drove by and through a puddle and splashed me." I answered, but as soon as I was finished, Soda laughed. I glared at him again. "Jerk." I said, then turned around and started to head for the bathroom to change. I heard him following me out into the living room.

"Oh wow. Why didn't you just go home? You need your DX clothes anyways." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Because I was closer to here then I was there and it's freezing outside. I wanted to be somewhere warm." I stated simply, stopping by the bathroom door and watched him as he sat on the couch next to Two-Bit. "Besides, we don't need to be to work until 10, remember?" I asked, and I could literally see him rolling his eyes, even with his back to me. I turned around, rolling my eyes once again as I went to finally change into some warm clothing.

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