chapter four

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Harry's P.O.V

"Darcy, would you like to help us sing the next song?" I asked my little girl. "I know you know the words to this one." 

"Which one is it?" She asked. 

"Happily." I answered and she smiled. "You wanna sing it with me?" 

"Yes, daddy." She replied. 

"Okay, let's do it. Ready, lads?" I said to the boys, who all nodded. 

The music started playing and I put the microphone up for Darcy to help me sing it. I counted to three for her and then we started to sing the song together. 

"You don't understand, you don't understand, what you do to me when you hold his hand," We sang together. "We were meant to be but a twist of fate, made it so you had to walk away."

She started giggling when we finished our part and let Niall continue. I started dancing around with the little girl on my waist, making the whole crowd go crazy. 

"Do you see mummy down there?" I whispered to her scanning the crowd. I could see Leah standing by the barrier, smiling and recording us with her phone. 

"There she is!" Darcy exclaimed and waved to the camera as I gave my daughter a kiss on the cheek. 

When the chorus started, Darcy and I sang along with the other boys. She was obviously having a blast with us up on the stage, and I was happy I got to spend my daughter's third birthday with her. 

It was hard to believe that she's three, really. It's already been three years since I rushed to the hospital to see my daughter for the first time, and now she's all grown up. She's turning into such a beautiful girl, and I'm always on tour and miss out on seeing her grow. Hopefully they weren't going back home too soon, meaning I would get to spend some more time with my daughter and wife. 

When the song ended, the whole crowd screamed making Darcy smile. 

"You were really good, Darcy." I told her making her giggle and hide her face in her tiny hands.

"She's even better than you, Harry." Niall said and I gave him a playful glare. Mostly to make Darcy laugh, which she did. 

"Now, Darcy, go down to your mum now and I'll see you after the show, alright? I'll make a security guard take you backstage." I said and she nodded. "Bye, sweetie." I kissed her cheek before handing her to a security guard who then handed her to Leah. I blew my beautiful wife a kiss before continuing with the show. 

During the whole rest of the show, I kept taking glances over at Darcy and Leah. Darcy was constantly dancing while she was sat on Leah's shoulders, and it was honestly the cutest thing I've ever seen. Fans around them started noticing them a bit more, but I assumed they knew better than to mob my daughter and wife. Because if they did, then they would have to deal with me. That may not be such a big threat, but I won't be happy about it. 

Leah's P.O.V

"Darcy, Leah, follow me." Paul said, letting us through the barrier when the show was about to end. "Harry requested that I would take you backstage so you could see him after the show." 

"Can I see my daddy again soon?" Darcy asked him. 

"Of course you can." He chuckled. "He's already really excited to see you again." 

"Yay!" Darcy cheered, clapping her hands together. 

Paul opened a door for us that led us behind the stage. When we were through, he locked the door and went back to his spot next to the stage. 

"Darcy, why don't you go play with Lux over there and I'll get you when daddy comes back, alright?" I said putting her down on the ground. 

"Okay, mummy!" She replied and ran over to Lux, who was playing with a few dolls on the black leather couch. 

"Leah!" Louise shouted when her eyes landed on me and pulled me in for a hug. "Oh my god, I can't believe you're actually here! I just saw Darcy being pulled on the stage and I nearly fainted! Was there even anyone who knew you were coming?" 

"Niall did." I replied. "We wanted to surprise Harry since he couldn't spend Darcy's birthday with her at home. Therefore, we decided to come and visit him on tour. You should've seen the look on Harry's face when he saw Darcy sitting on my shoulders, dancing along to their music. It was one of the most beautiful father-daughter moments they've ever shared, I believe." 

"Oh, that is so cute!" She squealed. "You seriously have no idea how much Harry's missed you two. He talks about you all the time, and he always shows us the photos you send him of you with Darcy. There's tons of pictures of you two inside his bunk on the tour bus, believe me. It's almost sad seeing how much he misses you. You really picked the right guy to have a family with, even though it wasn't really a choice what happened, if you know what I mean." 

"Don't remind me, Lou." I chuckled. "I know it didn't happen the right way, but it did come something good out of it. We now have a beautiful little girl celebrating her third birthday on stage with her father. What more could I ever want that these two? Oh, and let's not forget my dad and little brother. Those two are pretty important to me too." 

"Tell me, how's Wyatt doing? Is he enjoying being an uncle?" 

"Yeah, he loves it." I replied. "He comes over a few times a week, and Darcy just loves spending time with him."

"Seriously, that boy is just so adorable. He's only 8 years old, but yet you can actually have conversations with him. I believe he's different from other kids, different in a good way." She said. 

"Yeah, that's what I think to." I replied. 

Lou was about to open her mouth and say something, but she stopped herself and just began smiling. I raised my eyebrow at her, but only a few seconds later, a pair of strong arms wrapped around me and I instantly knew who it was. 

"I love you." He whispered in my ear, resting his head on my shoulder. "And I missed you." 

"I missed you too, Harry." I replied and turned my head sideways to face him. 

"I seriously need a kiss from you right now. I haven't had any of them for the past months now, and I'm about to get desperate." He said, leaning in and giving me a sweet kiss. 

"You guys are cute." Lou said making both Harry and I blush. 

"Daddy!!" Darcy exclaimed when she noticed that Harry had went off the stage. 

She immediately ran towards him and Harry knelt down to her height as she ran into his arms. I could see the big smile on Harry's face when he once again was holding the little girl in his arms, privately this time, not in front of thousands of fans. When did I ever become so lucky?

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