chapter eight

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Harry's P.O.V

"Daddy, where did mummy go?" Darcy asked and got down from the stage, running over to me. 

"She's going to the hotel." I answered her. "Listen, Darcy, I need to talk to you about something, so just sit down, alright?" I said and sat down on the cold ground, placing her in front of me. 

"Is anything wrong, daddy?" She asked. 

"Look.. Mummy and I got into a fight today.." I started off. "I'll have to admit that I do make some promises that I can't keep, which have ended up disappointing both you and mummy, and I'm sorry about that. But, I know that you know how important my job is. It sucks being away from you all the time, and that's what your mummy and I were fighting about. It's just hard being your dad when I can't even see you all the time, so I just forgot about my schedule yesterday when I promised you that we'd spend the day together. I truly am sorry, Darcy." 

"It's okay, daddy. I know you meant it well." She said and climbed into my lap wrapping her arms around my neck. "I love you, daddy." 

"I love you too, princess." I replied holding her close to me. "I'm really lucky to have you in my life, Darcy, and now I'm gonna do everything to make mummy happy again, so that we can be one happy family before you leave tomorrow, alright?" I said and she nodded her head against my chest. 

"Can I watch you sing tonight?" She suddenly asked. 

"Well, of course you can." I answered. "And if you want to, you can even help us sing another song." 

"Yes, can I really, daddy?" She asked jumping up and down. 

"Yes, you can." I answered. "So, which song would you like to sing?" 

"Can I sing Drag Me Down with you?" 

"Do you know the words to it?" I asked and she nodded. "Well, then you can sing that one." 

"Yaaay!" She exclaimed and clapped her hands. 

"Now, why don't you go and play while I go and check on something, alright?" I said and she nodded, running off. 

I got up from the floor and headed backstage. I was relieved to see that Lou and Lux had already arrived, along with Lottie. 

"Thank god you guys are here." I said. 

"Harry? Aren't you supposed to be at a meeting?" Lou asked. 

"I decided to skip it to spend the day with Darcy and Leah, but now I just need you to look after Darcy. She's inside the arena playing on Josh's drums, so just make sure she doesn't break it." I told her. 

"Wait, where are you even going?" She asked. 

"I need to talk with Leah. We kind of had a fight." I explained. 

"Okay, we'll look after her." She said. 

"Thank you, I'll see you later tonight. Tell Darcy that I'm sorry I had to leave again and give her a big hug from me." I said as I started to run outside. 

"Will do!"

Leah's P.O.V

When I got to back to the hotel room, I just laid down on the bed and let the tears come. Harry and I barely fought in this relationship, but every time we do fight, I'm afraid it'll end up with a divorce. Luckily, this wasn't one of our biggest fights. 

This trip didn't really go like I thought it would, though. I had hoped we would just be a happy family again, reunited after many months. But, now Harry and I had a fight and I'm afraid we might not make up before Darcy and I go home tomorrow. 

Although I did want to spend a few more days with Harry, I didn't wanna just let him have his will. I didn't wanna make it seem like I was under his control or something. He needed to know that I was in control of my own life, and that he has no power to make decisions for me. 

My thoughts were cut off by my phone going off. I checked the caller ID and declined it when I saw it was Harry calling. I really wasn't in the mood for talking with him right now. All I wanted was a few hours to myself before I had to go down to the venue for their concert tonight. 

But, Harry didn't seem to give up. He kept calling my phone until I eventually turned it off and put it under my pillow.

1 hour passed, and I was still laying in the bed, holding in my tears. I really didn't want to go home knowing that we were in a fight, but I also don't want to talk to him right now.

But, when I thought I was gonna be able to spend a day away from him, it knocked on my door. Hesitantly, I headed to the door and opened it to reveal Harry standing on the other side, holding a bouquet of red roses.

"Can I come in?" He nervously asked. 

"Harry, I'm not really in the mood for talking.." I said. 

"You don't have to say a single word. Just listen to me, alright? I need to make things okay with you." He said. "Can I please come in, Leah?" 

"Fine." I replied and walked back into the room with him following me. I put away a few of Darcy's toys before sitting down on the edge of the bed next to Harry. "Where is she?" I asked when I realized that she was supposed to be with him. 

"Lou and Lottie are looking after her." He answered and I nodded. "I ruined your trip, didn't I?" 

"You said I didn't have to talk." I said. 

"And you don't have to. Just let me explain this whole situation to you." 

"I'm listening." I said, avoiding eye contact. 

"Look.. I know that I've been a jerk. I know that I constantly make promises that I can't keep, and that I sometimes end up hurting you. But, we always make up, don't we? I know that we both want the best for Darcy, and we always manage to make our relationship work because of her. She's like some sort of glue that keeps us together, and I know that as long as we have her, nothing will tear us two apart. I love you with all my heart, Leah, and I'm sorry it had to be this way. I'm sorry for disappointing our daughter, and I'm sorry for, well, everything I've done that has ever made you feel small these past years. I'm sorry." He said. 

"You don't even know what it's like, Harry.. I'm the one stuck home in England taking care of a three year old the whole time, while you're on the road living your dream. How do you think Darcy must feel when she doesn't see you for many months, and when she finally does get to see you, you cancel your plans with her. And don't even try to tell me she was okay with it. You remember that time when you cancelled your week at home? That night, she wouldn't stop crying. I could hear her crying while I was laying in my bed, and no matter what I did, she didn't stop. She's afraid to talk to you about it, so she acts like everything's fine. She loves you so much, Harry, you're her dad. But, how do you think it makes her feel when you do this stuff? I'm the one to soothe her while you don't even call to tell her you're sorry. You know, I've been trying to hold in this anger for almost three years now, Harry, but I've had enough of it now. Either you try and fix this fucked up situation, or we're done." 


IMPORTANT PLEASE READ!!!!!! or else you're gonna say i'm being too rushed.. so i know that it's only chapter eight and they're already almost breaking up, but this is all part of the story. we haven't even gotten to the plot yet, and if they're not fighting, then the real plot won't even make any sense.

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