chapter sixteen

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Harry's P.O.V  *the same night*

"Who were you talking to? Was it Darcy?" Niall asked from the bunk above me after I hung up on the phone. 

"Yeah, it was her." I answered. "I think Leah knows what happened though.. Or, what the media made it seem like. I can't really blame her though, it did look pretty bad."

"Worse than bad." He said. 

"Not helping, Niall." I replied. 

"Well, sorry then." He said. "How are you gonna get to explain it to Leah? I doubt she'll pick up on the phone." 

"Will you ever just stop talking?" I snapped getting annoyed with him again. "I'm trying to figure out what to do, and you aren't really helping."

"Sorry I am annoying you with my company, then." He said. 

I was about to say something back to him, but then I got a phone call. It was unknown number, but yet I answered it. "Hello?" 

"Hello, Mr. Styles?" A man said. 

"Yes, that's me." I replied. "Is something wrong? And who is this?"

"I'm calling from London Hospital." The man said. "Your wife called for an ambulance just about an hour ago, and we ran a few checks on her. We are terribly sorry to inform you that she's got a heart infection and is going to need a heart transplant. We suggest you come here as soon as you can." 

"What? Heart transplant?" I said shocked. "But.. I'm still in Italy." 

"Take the first plane available, your family seems to be needing you. Mrs. Styles will be awake until we find a donor, which can usually take some time, but we promise she'll be okay." He said. 

"Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can. Bye." I replied and hung up. 

I immediately got out of my bunk and threw on a t-shirt and a pair of pants. I then packed a bag with everything important I needed. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Niall asked popping his head out of his bunk. 

"London." I replied. 

"Simon's gonna kill you." 

"My wife's in the hospital, Niall. I think I have the right to visit her." I said and his eyes widened. 

"What? Is she okay?" 

"I don't have time. I need to catch the next plane. Let the boys know I'm leaving, and tell the fans at the show tomorrow that I am really sorry I can't be there. But now I really have to go." I said. 

"Okay, text me when you know how she's doing." Niall said. 

"Will do." I replied and ran out of the bus. I took a taxi to the airport and bought a plane ticket at the reception. I was lucky enough that the next available plane was in just one hour.

I got my ticket and got through the security check without any problems, luckily. 

I rushed to my gate and waited there until the plane was ready for boarding. I was the first one to walk into the plane and I found my seat near the back. I was sat next to an old man, and I believe that both me and him spent most of the time sleeping. 

As soon as the plane landed in London, I ran outside and got into the first cab to the hospital. I was constantly biting on my nails, afraid to hear more about her condition. My biggest fear was probably that they wouldn't find another donor in time. But, I shook the thought off when the cab parked outside the hospital. I paid the driver and ran inside. 

I rushed to the reception lady and asked her; "Where's Leah Styles?" 

"Are you family?" 

"I'm her husband." I answered. 

"Room 284." She said after checking a few papers. 

"Thank you." I replied. 

I ran down the long white halls until I finally stood in front of room 284. I took a deep breath before opening the door and walking inside. 

My eyes immediately started tearing up when I saw Leah laying on the bed with her eyes closed. She looked so pale, almost lifeless. 

"Daddy.." I looked down to see Darcy walking towards me with her arms open. I could see tears welling in her eyes, and I could tell she was afraid. 

"Oh, princess.." I said and picked her up. She began crying into my shoulder, and it was so heartbreaking to see her like that. 

"She's been like that ever since we got here.." I suddenly hear Wyatt say. I saw him sitting on the other side of Leah's bed. I gave him a sympathetic look and sat down in the chair next to him. 

"Are you feeling okay? Where's your dad?" I asked him as I was comforting Darcy. 

"Yeah, I'm okay. The doctors said she's gonna be fine, and I believe them." He replied. "And my dad's at work. He took a few minutes off to drive me here. Kylie's not here either. She left not too long ago because she's going back to Washington at midnight. She said she really wanted to be here though." He said. "Wait.. Aren't you supposed to be on tour? 

"Yeah, I kind of had to sneak out of my tour to be here right now. My manager doesn't know I left." I replied and he chuckled. I then looked at Leah and asked Wyatt; "Is she mad at me? She wouldn't answer any of my calls, and I know it was on the news.." 

"I think she's mad. She almost began crying when dad asked her if he should call you." He replied. 

"Oh.." I said and looked down at Darcy. "Well, she has every right to be mad though." 

"Yeah, she does." He said. "Can I ask you something?" 

"Sure, go on." 

"Why did you do it?" He asked. "I know you probably didn't mean to, but why? Didn't you two just have a fight before she and Darcy left, and then you kiss another girl?" 

"It's complicated.." I said. "You see, my band mate Liam suggested we should all go out to party, so we did. But, when we were there, I bumped into my ex, Kendall. Or, we didn't actually date, we just went out for dinner. But anyways.. When I was buying a drink, she just kind of came onto me. I was so startled by it that I didn't even get a chance to react before someone took the picture. I wanted to call her and explain it, but she didn't pick up.."

"Wow.." He said. "I'm really not looking forward to all this adult-drama.. Why can't I just stay a kid forever?" 

"I ask myself that everyday, but then I remember how wonderful life also can be when you grow up. Just look at this beautiful thing right here." I said and kissed the top of Darcy's head. She seemed to have fallen asleep. 

"I'm still too young to have kids though. I'm only 8 still." 

"Yeah, you probably want to wait until you're at least 25. Leah and I were still 19 when we had Darcy though, but I'm glad. If it wasn't for Darcy, then Leah and I probably wouldn't even be together." I said. 

"What do you mean?" He asked. 

"Um.. Adult stuff." I said, remembering that I couldn't explain exactly what happened when Darcy was conceived to an eight year old.

Wyatt was about to say something, but we were both cut off when Leah opened her eyes and roughly sat up in her bed. She screamed out in pain as she held her hand over her chest, and my heart broke at the sight. I had never seen her in such pain, not even when Darcy was born. 

It was obvious she was in so much pain, and I started feeling guilty for never even noticing it before. I know she had a bit of pain when we were in the hotel room, so was I bad husband to not take her to the hospital because of it? Could we have avoided this situation if I had just brought her to the hospital immediately?


longer chapter this time, but sorry if its bad haha

got mid-terms soon tho..... not really excited.

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