chapter ten

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Leah's P.O.V  *before she came to the arena*

After Harry left, I wiped my tears as I noticed a bouquet of red flowers laying on the small table by the door. I picked up the bouquet and read the card that was attached to it.

Dear Leah

I was a jerk, I have to admit that. I realize that I haven't been respecting yours and Darcy's life back in England, and it's been selfish of me trying to force to come with me on this tour. 

And I'm sorry for everything I did to hurt you and Darcy, I really didn't mean it. I just forgot about my schedule and I was literally frightened to call you this morning and tell you. 

Anyways, I truly am sorry and I love you deeply

Yours sincerely, 

Harry xx

I sighed as I put the flowers back on the table and sat down on the edge of the bed. I was starting to regret what I had told Harry earlier. I might have been a little rough when I told him we were done if he didn't fix things, but it honestly made me so mad.

I decided I needed to talk to someone, so I turned on my phone and dialed Lou's number. She answered on the second ring. 

"Leah, is everything alright? I heard what happened." She said. 

"To be honest, I've been happier." I replied. "Look, I just really need someone to talk to right now. Harry and I just had the biggest fight of our whole relationship."

"Well, right now I have to prepare a bit for when I'm gonna styling the boys' hair, but I'm free in two hours. Come by the arena then, alright? I'll make sure to keep Harry away. He's currently watching Sesame Street with Darcy and Lux on the big screen, and I think he's gonna be staying there for quite a while." She said. 

"Okay, thank you." I replied. 

"I'll see you soon, bye." She said and hung up on the phone. 

*2 hours later* 

I nervously stepped past the security guards into the arena and entered the room backstage, where I could see Lou and Lottie doing each other's hair. 

"Hey, Leah. You alright?" Lou asked and gave me a hug, and so did Lottie. 

"I'm feeling a bit better. Just trying to get my mind off this situation, you know." I replied. 

"Well, do you wanna tell us what this fight was about? Maybe you'll feel a bit better after getting it off your chest." Lottie suggested. 

"Yeah, I might as well." I said. "So, basically I got upset when Harry had to cancel his plans with us today because of the meeting he forgot he had. You see, Harry does this all the time. He makes promises he can't keep, and it just ends up hurting us all, including Darcy. He sometimes ends up cancelling his trips home, and it just upsets me that I'm the one that needs to comfort Darcy when she finds out her dad isn't coming home." I said, and I had to let a few tears fall when I talked about it. 

"Tissue?" Lou offered, holding out a box of tissues. 

"Yes, please." I replied and grabbed one with my left hand and wiped away my tears. "Anyways, so then Harry decided to skip the meeting and spend the day with me and Darcy instead, but what made me mad is that he was basically trying to make us spend a few more days here when he clearly knows that I have work and Darcy has preschool. He tried it on his last tour too, but I said no that time also. It just sometimes makes me angry that he doesn't seem to respect that we have a life at home too, you know, so I went back to the hotel. About an hour later, Harry came to the hotel and once again tried to explain, but I just got mad and explained to him how it affected Darcy when he cancelled plans. So I told him to either fix up this situation or else we're done, and I'm honestly starting to regret it now. And when he left, I found this bouquet of flowers he had left me, and it just made me feel so bad. Now I don't even know what to do." I said wiping a few more tears that had escaped. "I honestly believe that this has been the biggest fight we've ever had, and I'm scared we might break up soon. I really don't want that to happen." 

"Listen. Harry would never break up with you. He loves you so much. He has a picture of you and Darcy framed on the wall inside of his bunk, and sometimes he just sits there, looking at the picture." Lottie said. "You're really lucky to have him in your life, and you two are perfect for each other. You shouldn't let go of him, and I'm pretty sure that he'll never let go of you either. If you love him, then make him know it. I just suggest that you go out there and talk to him, like a real woman. I know I'm only 17, but trust me, it'll work. I've seen a lot of TV shows, so I'm really intelligent when it comes to this." She said making me chuckle. 

"I agree with Lottie." Lou said. "I mean, you two have a daughter together. You should at least try and make it work, at least for her. I don't think she wants her parents to get divorced and hate each other." 

"Okay, I'll talk to him. But promise you guys will be nearby, without listening to the conversation?" I asked. 

"Of course we will. Now go and get your man back." Lou said. 

"Okay, but before I go, can you give me another one of those tissues? It's physically impossible for me to talk about this without crying. I can't even think about it without feeling the urge to cry." I said. 

"Of course." Lou replied, giving me another tissue. 

"Okay, wish me luck." I said before walking out of the door in the arena, where I could see a pair of green eyes already looking at me.


sorry this was crap but i have two tests on wednesday and im feeling a bit stressed out y'know

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