chapter six

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| next morning |

Harry's P.O.V

I woke up with a big smile on my face, my head facing the picture of Darcy and Leah hanging inside my bunk. Darcy was just a year old at the time when that picture was taken, and I remember it like it was yesterday.

"Come on, Darcy, walk to mummy and daddy." I cooed at Darcy trying to make her walk to us. Leah and I had been trying for several weeks now to get her to take her first steps, but she always falls down and lands on her bum.

"Darcy, honey, come on. Make mummy and daddy proud now and take your first steps." Leah cooed, clapping her hands together to encourage Darcy.

"Maybe we should get some sort of reward for her. If we maybe go and get her favorite snack we could make her walk here to get it." I said. 

"We are not going to train her like a dog, Harry." She said chuckling. 

"Then what else are we supposed to do?" I sighed, laying down on the floor. 

"Dada!" Darcy then exclaimed, and I looked up to see her slowly lifting her foot and placing it in front of the other. She repeated the ritual with her other foot, and soon she was collapsing down on my chest, laughing. 

"Darcy, you walked!" Leah and I exclaimed. 

"Oh my god, Darcy.. You can walk now!" I said, proud of her. 

"Oh, my sweet little angel." Leah cooed, cuddling Darcy and giving her a kiss. It was in that moment that I pulled out my phone and snapped the photo of them, always reminding me about that day. 

"Harry, wake up. We've got a meeting in, like, 30 minutes." Liam said, opening the curtains to my bunk. 

"What? Which meeting?" I asked confused. 

"Have you forgotten already?" He said. "Simon called us in for a meeting to discuss something with us. He's gonna be pissed if we're late, so get dressed." 

"But I'm supposed to see Leah and Darcy today! How long is this meeting?" I asked. 

"I think he said about two or three hours, I don't know." He replied. 

"Crap, I'll barely get any time with them today.." I sighed. "I guess I'll just have to call Leah and tell her the news then.." 

"Sorry, buddy." He said, walking away. 

I dialed Leah's number, and she replied on the second ring. 

"Hey Harry." She said, and I could hear a bit of worry in her voice. 

"Leah, is something wrong?" I asked her. 

"No, I'm fine." She replied. "Anyways, why did you call?" 

"Well, turns out that I had forgotten we have a meeting in thirty minutes. The meeting lasts for a few hours, so I'm afraid I might not be able to see you guys until we go to the venue for night two." I said. 

"But Harry, you promised Darcy you were gonna hang out with her today. She's been looking forward to see you again since she woke up this morning!" I said.

"I'm sorry, okay? It's not my fault Simon scheduled the meeting today." I said. "But I'll see you tonight at the venue, alright? We'll be there at five, so just come and meet us then."

"Fine, bye." She said hanging up. 

"Well, she didn't sound very happy." I heard Niall say, but I could sense from where. "I'd say you're in big trouble for disappointing your own daughter." 

"Niall, where the hell are you?" I asked. 

"I'm up here." He replied, sticking out his head from the bunk above me. 

"You little shit." I said getting out of my bunk, lightly hitting him before heading to the back of the bus, getting dressed. 

When I was fully dressed, I sent Leah a text saying, 'I'm really sorry. Tell Darcy that tomorrow, I PROMISE to spend the day with her and you. I love you.'

"You know, if I was you, I wouldn't promise my daughter to spend the day with her before checking my schedule." Niall said walking into the room I was in. 

"Piss of, Niall." I growled, checking my phone for a reply from Leah. 

"Just because you check your phone doesn't mean she's gonna reply." He said. 

"Get the hell out, Niall. I'm having a really bad day, if you haven't noticed." 

"Oh, I've noticed." He said. 

"Get out or I'm calling Liam." 

"Fine, I'll leave." 

"Finally." I muttered as he left the room. 

I've been awake for only ten minutes yet, and I'm already having one of the worst days of my life, all because of this dumb meeting and Niall. 

Leah's P.O.V

"Mummy, when are we gonna see daddy?" Darcy asked as I hung up on the phone with Harry. 

"Sweetie, listen.. I'm afraid we're not gonna see daddy until we go see him perform tonight." I told her. "Daddy forgot about a meeting that was scheduled today, so he doesn't have enough time to hang out with us today."

"But daddy said he promised.." She said. 

"We can still have fun today, Darcy." I assured her. "Maybe we should go to the venue where daddy is playing tonight and have a look around? You can stand on the stage and pretend to be performing and be just like your dad!" 

"Yes, I wanna do that!" She exclaimed. 

"You do? Let's go then." I said grabbing her hand. 

We put on our shoes before leaving the hotel and taking a cab to the venue. I wasn't really worried about the guards not letting us in, 'cause I knew the guards and they knew me, so they did let us in. I guess that's one of the great things about having a boy band member for a husband.


really short, but.. and a lil bit crappy. im not really at my best writing point at the moment.

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