Chapter 35

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"Dante, what makes you want to battle so soon?"

I asked.

Speechless and frozen... he sat there staring at me.

I shook my head and took a Battle stance.
Dante levitated off the ground and looked down at me.

"You better have your slayer skills ready."

He said to me slowly.

I levitated to his height and looked at him.

"Im ready Master."

I used telekinesis and began to choke him. He groaned and started choking me with his Telekinesis.

I held my breath and threw him into a wall. He let go of me and started rushing. I lifted a knee and connected it to his jaw, but he still tackled me onto my back.

I pushed him off and threw myself to my feet. I did a tornado kick and connected to his jaw once again.

He got knocked back and I shot an airbrust of telekinesis energy and it pushed him back 4 to 5 feet, landing him in a sitting position in his chair.

He grabbed a blade out of the side of his golden throne, and threw it incredibly fast at me. I cought the sword by the blade, causing it to cut off my left ring finger.

I widened my eyes and began to be rushed with adrenaline. I gritted my teeth and threw it back at him even faster.

He tried to dodge it but it landed inside his thigh. He screamed and pulled it out, tossing it to the side. He limped towards me... I ran towards him and jumped into the air, I lunged my feet forward, kicking him in his chest.

I felt his ribs breaking and I landed down onto my feet. He groaned even louder and looked at me.

"You.. your powerful Dakota."

I smirked and threw my arms up.

"I know Master Dante."

I walked toward him and with my left hand, I gripped his throat.

"You tought me most if not everything I know."

I exclaimed.

I gripped my hand tighter around his neck, raising him up, and slamming my right Hand into his face. His cheek exploded against my hand and he pushed me away.

He levitated over me and slammed down into my chest with his feet. I stumbled back at his power but I felt fine.

Dante started causing flames between his hands and sent the flame towards me.

I ducked but it burned my hair. I walked towards him and grabbed his arms with my powers. I stretched him arms apart and yelled as I used all my strength.

His arms flew off his body in a bloody fashion. He stood there armless and fell to his knees.

I kneeled down in front of him. And looked into his eyes.

"This is it Master. You did a great Job... ill never forget this."

I said emotionally and slowly.

"I wouldnt be happier with anyone else having my position. You did a good job.. Master."

He told me. I smiled and grabbed his head.

"I love you Dante."

"As to you Dakota. Goodbye."

I snapped his neck and his pale face stood still. He feel back armless... laying on his knees...

I slowly walked away and opened the door for everyone to see. First Ashley walked in and gasped at me. Flames were burning through my hair and I stood there breathing heavily. Erin, Amber, Snow, Alex, Ryan, Braxton, and Ashley were all watching me.

Erin was the first to run to Dante. Then most of the others. I walked to the throne and wiped the seat before sitting down.

I sat down slowly and pulled Ashley into my lap. I looked down at the ground.

"I... I Dont know who I am Anymore.."

Ashley raised my head to look up at her.

"You are My Master now. You are Justin.. you always will be My Justin."

I smirked and raised my eyebrow.

"I guess this is it... this is all i needed to do... we captured Acolyte.. I became King.."

Alex walked over to me.

"Not yet tough guy. Your missing something."

I looked at him.

"I know my finger.."

I raised my hand to show him.

"No Dakota.. Theres still another kill to be made."

"And who is that?"

"Zachery Genella, Your father."

I stood to my feet and pointed at him.

"I didnt become king to follow YOUR rules. You know what? Your banished. Erin, take Alex to the Dungeon. The rest of you, cook your Master a grand feast. ALL OF YOU. I own all of you. Your all my little servants. Snow come here now."

Snow walked towards me and I sat down, pulling Ashley onto my Right knee, and Snow onto my Left.

"Your both mine now. The rest of you, go. Make your master food."

Erin dragged Alex away by his hair and the rest of them were gone to make My Grand feast.. haha... I did it Dad... I Made it. Im King Now.

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