Chapter 4

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I woke up with Ashley's hand on my chest. I sat up and I threw my legs off the edge of the bed and got off of It. I walked over to my dresser and searched for clothes.

I picked out a pair of white skinny jeans and a black belt with a chain on it. I pulled out a plain white t-shirt. I grabbed some wristbands as well.



"What am I going to wear."

I grabbed a pink t-shirt and thew it to her. I grabbed a pair of pitch black skinny jeans and tossed that to her too, Then I tossed over some bracelets for her.

"You'l look cute in my clothes."

I exclaimed.

"Can you help me put them on?"

She asked, looking up at me.

I smiled and walked over to her. I pulled her out of the bed and stood her on the floor. I unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down. I lifted her shirt and threw it to the ground.

She was now sitting in front of me in bra and panties.

"My god Ashley. . . Your gorgeous."

I was now more heated than ever. She blushed. I grabbed the jeans an lead her legs threw them. I buttoned up the jeans and grabbed the shirt. I pulled It over her boobs and pulled it to her waist.

"I'm going to shower, Ashley. Ill be right back."

I walked down to the bathroom with my clothes. I undressed and stepped into the shower. After a 20 minute shower I stepped out. I walked down to my room to see Ashley on her phone. I looked around and found my phone. I typed in Ashley's number from two days before. I sent her a text.

'Ashley get off your ass. We got to go'

She smiled and walked with me.

We left the house and waited for the bus.


"What's up?"

"Why don't you ever do anything to me? You never got on me last night when I laid next to you. You never did anything when I was nearly naked. Why?"

"I'm not like that. I'm not going to take advantage of you just because your nearly naked. I'm only going to if you want me to, and I doubt you do."

"Aww, that's so sweet."

The bus stopped in front of us. I got on and sat with brett.

"Hey Justin"

Said Brett.


"I told you to sit next to her not invite her to your home."

"Shut up."

I looked at Ashley. She was looking out the window again. Her cheekbone was killing me. I couldn't stop looking at it. Before I knew it I was drooling on myself. I put my head in my hands and tried not to think of Ashley. I waited until we got to school. I grabbed my bag and got off the bus.

"Hey, Justin"

Brett said.

"Why aren't you talking to Ashley?"

"I don't have a chance with her Dude. She's perfect and I'm just not. I'm a sac of shit."

I said.

Before he could talk I walked faster to the building. I stepped inside. Logan looked at me then looked away. I walked down to my friends, Blake,Landon, and Cole.

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