Chapter 10

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I walked up to a 9 foot wall and jumped. I tried grabbing the top, but I couldn't. I walked back and ran forward, then jumped again. I threw my arms in the air, but slammed against the wall and fell back.

"Justin, like this."
Said father.

He ran at the wall with super speed, and leaped into the air, throwing his feet backward, and did a front flip. He landed on top of the wall, just by doing a flip.

I closed my eyes and breathed. I opened my eyes and stood back. I ran at the wall and jumped. I caught the top with my hands, and planted my feet against the wall, stepping up it. I threw my legs over the top and pushed my self up.

"Justin, it's supposed to be easy climbing that. But quickness, is what you need to practice on."
He said.

"Alright. So what's next?"
I asked.

My father looked forward. He ran a few feet then jumped. He flew gracefully across the gap and landed on the next platform. This gap was huge. I don't think I could make it...

I ran and jumped across the gap. I was to short though. As I fell towards the ground I grabbed onto the side of the wall with one hand. I looked down then back up and placed my other hand on the edge. My father came over and lifted me up Onto the platform.

"This is hard. I can't do it alone."
I said.

"Practice... This whole gym is yours now. You can practice here, and time yourself, then try to beat that time. Keep practicing and eventually you will be as fast as I am."
Said father.

"But I don't get it. I'm so weak now, and I used to be so fast and strong?"
I said.

"Your deteriorating. But you'll come back soon."
He said.

"I hope."
I replied.

I looked forward. There was a pole in the air. I guess I was supposed to swing off that, to the other platform? I'll try. First my father jumped. He grabbed the pole, then flipped off of it to the other platform. He landed so silently and gracefully.

I jumped and grabbed onto the pole. I swung back and forth on it gaining speed. Eventually I jumped off the pole and grabbed onto ledge, I attempted to pull my self up but couldn't. My father gave me his hand and pulled me up.

"I'm done. I just can't father. I need way more strength and agility and speed and stamina... And everything. I'm just so weak."
I said.

"Alright. If you wish. Run across the lap over there a few times and you'll gain speed and stamina. If you wish for strength, there are weights over there. And this course here helps agility."
He said.

I jumped off the ledge and walked to the track. I looked around it. It was a pretty big track. My father walked up behind me.

"Run around this four time, and that's the same as running a mile."
He said.

"Alright. I'll work here."
I said.

I walked Onto the track and started to run. I ran as fast as I could. It drained my stamina fast but, it was building it the more I used it. I ran a lap in about 5 minutes. An average person takes about 4 or 3 minutes. Wow. I'm super slow.

I ran around the track at least 6 times before I was completely fatigued. I flopped onto the ground and rested. After about 30 minutes I stood back up and ran again. This time I ran 7 and I was sweating heavily. After that, I walked down to the weights lying on the ground.

I picked up some dumbbells, and started working out. Each weighed around 30 Ibs. I lifted each around 20 times. After working my arms out I laid down, and did 50 sit-ups. I worked out in this gym, cycling from running, to pumping iron, to doing sit-ups, for hours before leaving.

After I left the gym I walked into my house. I went up the stairs and took a shower. After the shower, I laid down on my bed, and let me tell you, I was so tired from working out I fell asleep maybe... 30 seconds after Laying down.

I woke up and looked at the clock. It was 7:15 AM. I swung my legs off the bed and almost shouted in pain. My legs were in so much pain after yesterday's work. I stood up and walked down the stairs.

I grabbed my bag and put my shoes on. I was going to jog to school, it was better then riding the bus. It was actually faster, because the bus picks up like 30 other people.

I left the house and started to jog to school. I put in headphones and listened to music. Mostly Bring Me The Horizon. I listened to 'can you feel my heart' and 'empire' before I got to the school. It was actually closer than I thought.

I walked up the stairs, and Into the building. I looked at my phone for the time. It was 7:29 now. I was 31 minutes early. I sat down on the ledge and waited. After about 10 minutes the school was starting to fill up. Landon came and sat down next to me.

"Hey justin."
He said.

I said.

"So, kill any vampires yet?"
He asked.

"Shh. Landon, don't be so loud when you say that. And who told you about that?"

"Ashley. She's my cousin remember? She came over to my house last night. She never shut up about you. Mostly mean comments."

"Oh. I don't even care anymore. I'm done with her if she wants to be a bitch."
I said.

"Alright. Well, have a good day man. Don't let Logan do anything to you. I bet you'll just kick his ass again."

He smirked and walked away. I sat up and checked the time. 7:58. The bell is about to ring. I waited for the bell. As it rung I walked down the hall to my locker. I put in my com and opened it.

As It opened Brett came up to me and slammed my locker closed. He threw up his middle finger and walked away. I shook my head and put my com in again. After I opened the locker, I put my bag in it and pulled my books out.

After my three hours of boredom It was lunch. I walked down to the cafeteria and got my food. I sat down at my table and chatted with some friends.

"Hey, me and cole are going to shoot some free running videos, you in?"
Said Jeff.

"What makes you think I know how to freerun?"
I said.

"It's easy. Don't worry you won't have to do flips or anything. We'll do that. You just... I dont know, climb up walls and stuff."

"Alright... I've been practicing that. so when is this video going to be made?"

"Friday. So in a few days."

"Alright. I'll try my best."
I said.

"Anyway, how are you and Ashley?"
Said Blake.

"Well... Not very good after yesterday. I haven't talked to her since."
I said.

"Oh. I'm sorry."
Said Blake.

"No, it's all good."
I replied.

I stood up and walked to the trash can. I threw my food away and walked back. Brett was passing me and I slammed my shoulder into his. He stumbled back a little and I smiled. He looked at me with demonic eyes and walked away.

I walked back to the table and sat down.

"Hey guys, If I do that video, will you pay me?"
I said.

"Hell, depends if we get enough views. But if you pull off a few amazing stunts then yeah. I'll pay you around, 10-20 dollars."
Said Blake.

"Alright. See you guys then."

I left the table.

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