Chapter 13

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"Wake up "
"Wake up " I heard a voice shouted rocking me dangerously in my sleep .
I jumped out of my food dream and saw Kai watching me with an alarm face . " what is going on" I asked groggily still feeling sleepy and a little annoyed that he woke me up .

"Someone is in the house" he whispered motioning his eyes towards the door .

"What , how do you know that" I asked excuse me if am a little slow I'm not very useful when Am still sleepy . He rolled his eyes at me .

" oh I don't know maybe because the window was just broken " he growled at me texting someone on his phone .
A loud shot was heard ,it came from the living room . I'm sure any min now police will be called .

"What are we going to do " I panic as I heard footsteps getting closer and closer . I pulled on a top and put my gun in my waist along with my knife .

"Harry and the others are going to come in , in 3 2 1"

A loud bang oh no these bastards aren't serious . I doubt is my door they kick down Amma bust there ass when I get out of here . Loud explosions were heard then a hiss of pain. Kai opened the bedroom door and walked outside with me not even a cm far from him . I saw the same guy who tried to kill me back at Starbucks lying on the floor dead . He came into my house looking for me but instead he found death ,that's why you never live bad . "That's the same dude that tried to killed me back at the Starbucks " I told Kai .

"Well he is no longer a problem" he coldly said and order the guys to burn him while we clean up the blood and quickly before the popo pulls up .These attacks are getting more and more frequent and it's not before long victor comes himself ,and I truly fear that moment with every bone in
My body .
The police came some minutes after and looked around the house . Finding nothing I must say the guys did well in hiding their weapons and any evidence including the dead body . "Sorry for invading your privacy ,it's just the neighbors called in and said they heard multiple explosions ." The officer said bowing his head and calling the rest of the squad then left . We really need to get rid of victor and fast . I tried telling the police when I was younger about the abuse and rape ,all they ever do was laughed and made fun of how I looked . Humans can be so cruel and that's our downfall in life . If it were their kids they would've thrown bricks ,so why not do the same for a little child?. My head started to hurt and the place seemed to be spinning"guys am going to sleep " I turned quickly causing me to wobble , I regained my balance and Walked to my room . Since I was 10 I have been getting this feeling when I hype up myself , dad told me to visit a doctor but I hate people touching and poking me so I just shrugged it off . But it's getting more worst by the months . I dosed off with a pounding in my head and tears leaving my eyes.

I woke up feeling 10x better than I felt when I dropped asleep this morning . I touch the side to see if Kai was there but he wasn't ,sighing inwardly I got up  of the bed and got dressed to run some errands . I put on a teal color sun dress and put my dark brown hair in a high bun ,before leaving my room .

I was greeted by Aaron and Christian , Jacob just act like I wasn't there . Ever Since Our drunken kiss he hasn't watch nor talk to me and I miss having him as a friend .

"Where are you off too " I heard a voice asked behind me .

I spin around on my heels " To run some errands wanna join ?" I asked Harry hoping he says yes because I really want company , don't like to be by myself . He nodded and went to his room to get dress . I fixed breakfast for the boys because I know if I don't they'll starve because there to lazy to move and help themselves . Sometimes I really wonder how they are even the best gang with their lazy mentality . I texted Kai that I will be out for the whole day doing some stuff. No one knows where he is but I know he isn't doing anything stupid so I just think positive and left the house with Harry.

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