Chapter 1

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  -If you haven't read Innocence, it's the first book to this sequel so I suggest you read it first. Thanks =]

   An end is an end right?

            It’s the day I get out of school because I am a senior. A week from now I will graduate and finally start my life.


            “Okay Seniors! Who’s ready to be out of school already?!” Mrs. Russell yells over the intercom.

            I yell with the seniors with excitement and we all jump out of our seats.

            “Our lovely band is going to be playing out in the hallway to show their farewell. Teachers you can gladly let the lower grades watch. Are you ready seniors?!” She yells at the top of her voice.

            “Out in the hall you go!”

            I run out in the hallway as I hear the band playing loudly and I smile dancing around with Erica and Kayla. I look around at my former classmates seeing how we’ve all grown since we were little. I shake my head at how old we’re already getting without realizing it.

            I walk over to a girl that I know from when she played basketball with me on Varsity and I take her drummer sticks and I start beating her drums to the beat of the band. She laughs at me and I laugh with her. I’m actually having a pretty good time, I know what I’m doing is retarded right now but I don’t care. I like letting people laugh, no matter who they are.

            I hand her, her drummer sticks back and I walk over to my friends standing there with them listening to the band play until they’re finished. I scream “Woo!” with every other senior after the band is done playing.


            “Okay Seniors… I shall see you again when you graduate but for now… off you go. You guys have gotten so old. I’m going to cry just go!” Mrs. Russell says sarcastically and does a fake cry.

We all laugh at her and head to our lockers cleaning it out.

            “I can’t believe it… can you?” Someone says approaching me.

            I lift my head from my locker looking to see who it is and it’s Syanne. I give her a smile.

            “What do you mean?” I ask holding my bag.

            “We’re just… getting older. We’re actually going into the real world.”

            “Yeah… I can believe it. I’ve waited for this my whole life.” I say giving a little smile.

            I put my stuff in my bag and I grab my truck keys from it. I look back at Syanne shutting my locker. I stare at her for a while until someone comes up behind her and talks to her. I take a deep breath.

            “Bye Syanne… I’ll see you at graduation.”

            “Okay Aubrey.” She says hugging me. I close my eyes for a moment feeling her body again.

            I know around this time last year is when we broke up but I still love her and care for her. I’m just not in love with her. I wish she never ruined it…

            I rub her back once more and I let go.

            I stare in her eyes giving her a warm smile. I walk past her slowly walking to my truck thinking about how good our memories were. I shake the memories off of my mind because I don’t want to think about it now.

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