Chapter 17

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My dad's car pulled into the familiar driveway and the my dad removed the key from ignition turning the car off.I unbuckled my seat belt and stepped out of the car and lost balance and fell flat on my face. Getting a vagina must have really thrown off my balance. I recollected myself and I gathered my Greyson Chance duffel bags from the trunk and continued from the front door. 

I put my house key in the lock and opened the door and all the lights were off. That's strange my parents know that I'm deathly afraid of the dark, that's why I have a Greyson Chance night light in every eclectic outlet in my room. Thank god Greyson didn't notice them when we got down and dirty, but i knew they were there and it really set the mood. I frantically searched for the light switch but failed. 

"What would Greyson do?" I spoke to myself before the lights turned on and everyone screamed "Surprise" infront of me stood Greyson, Ricky, Colin, and Samuel . I went to run to Greyson but the pain in between my legs reminded me that I had better not. I awkwardly waddled over to Greyson and hugged him as if there was no tomorrow 

"Awww you didn't have to throw me a party!" I giggled 

"Oh the party's not for you its for your vagina!" Greyson said as he kneeled and put his finger on my crotch and coo'ed at it as if it was a young child. "Welcome home little guy" Oh Grey Grey, he's so considerate. Colin started walking in my direction and then I remembered what he did to that Vietnamese prostitute, I studied his face carefully and saw bit of dried blood in his hair, someone didn't rinse lather and repeat.

I was snapped out of my train of thoughts when I felt a warm front of air on my crotch I tilted my head down and saw Collin having a in depth conversation with my newly formed artificially engineered vagina. I tuned into their conversation and heard Colin say "The byolc events are going to be so much more fun to watch now, our ticket sales are going to go through the roof! Just like Greyson's penis when its erect. Remind me to go to the store and buy some more tissues and lotion, I'll be needing them. I see a gang bang in your future little buddy." 

I started to get really disturbed so I walked away from Colin and took my vagina with me. I wonder if I can get a restraining order for my vagina against Collin, I'll have to look into that later. I headed towards the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I sat down on the toilet for the first time and pulled my pants and Greyson chance thong down to my knees. I started pee'ing when I noticed blood and got really worried so i wiped myself and walked to the bathroom cabinet. I pulled out my handy dandy Greyson Chance first aid kit and pulled out a band aid and carefully put it over the gap in between my legs. That should fix it. I debated on whether or not to wash my hands but decided against it.  Ain't nobody got time for that. 

I rejoined everyone in the living room and saw Ricky and Greyson having a conversation in the corner. What if Ricky tells Greyson that me and him shared anal intercourse with each other, or even worse what if Ricky is trying to steal Greyson away from me. What am I saying Grey Grey likes girls, but he had sex with me when I equipped a penis, and Ricky has a penis, a mighty fine one if I do say so myself. 

Then I realized Colin and Samuel weren't anywhere to be seen. I did my awkward run to my bedroom and went to my window and was horrified by what I saw. In my backyard stood Colin, Samuel and a freshly built shed that had "BYOLC STORAGE" written on the side with spray paint. I went outside to confront them. 

"Colin! What do you think your doing!" I screamed I haven't been this angry since the day I found out I had a penis when I was a young sprout. 

"I'm building a storage shed for all our byolc supplies and lawn chairs, carrying them was so hard and it made the show less enjoyable."

"You can't just build a shed on someones property without permission didn't your mom tell you that as a child!" I practically screamed.

"Your dad told Samuel and I that we could build the shed as long as we give him 10% of the profits from it." Colin said matter of factly.

I was speechless. Why would my dad basically give two teenage boys permission to let random guys watch his little girl have sex. Eh its not that big of a deal, if I was in his position I'd probably do the same. More money means more Greyson Chance merch for this transgender. 

Author's Note: Sorry we havent updated in a while, my friends and I will try to keep on top of it. Let me know what you guys think of the fanfic so far and follow me on twitter: and feel free to leave comments and suggestions below

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