Our Friends Are Dicks

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Genre: fluff highschool!phan


Warnings:*i don't know if dick is a swear word. This is kinda really PG other than the word dick.

Dan Howell and Phil Lester had tolerated each other over the years. Probably because their best friends were dating each other. Day in, and day out, Dan and Phil were forced to watch Chris and Pj make out because Dan was too shy to talk to Phil. And Phil was too cocky to talk to Dan. So they sat next to each other in silence as they hung out with their friends. Chris and Pj were getting annoyed by it, they wanted their best friends to get along.

"We need to get them to like each other." Pj said. Chris was sitting next to him as they watched Ironman.

"Who?" Chris asked.

"Dan and Phil. Dan is your friend, can't you reason with him?" Pj asked.

"Have you met him?" Chris asked. "He will blab on and on when it comes to Phil. But, for Dan to speak to him, nah mate. Speaking of him, have you even brought this up to him."

"Yes, Phil won't listen." Pj said. Chris looked at his boyfreind and sighed.

"Our friends are dicks." Chris said.

"Yes they are." Pj agreed.


Phil was looking at the laptop screen before him. He couldn't believe that Chris's friend would say that about him. He was probably faking that he actually liked Phil's personality. Phil shut it and went back to his homework. He looked out the window and saw Chris's friend kicking a football around with his younger brother. Of course Phil knew his name and things about him. But a name meant they acknowledged each other.

Dan looked at his neighbors house. Phil Lester, Pj's friend, lived there. Dan tried to ignore him but Dan thought him and his stupid beautiful blue eyes and how he gets super happy at tiny things. Dan looked towards where Phil window was and saw him staring out of it. Their eyes met and Dan quickly looked at the ground.

"You okay Dan?" Cole, Dan's little brother, asked.

"Yeah bud." Dan said.

"Cole!" A small voice yelled. Cole looked over at the Lester's backyard. Phil's younger brother, Thomas, was peeking his head over the fence. Thomas was tiny. Dan knew that sometimes they had to go to the hospital for an Thomas emergency. But Phil never seemed upset about it. He was super close to his little brother. "I can play today!" Thomas said. Cole smiled and ran over. Thomas waited for him and looked at me.

"Do you want me to get Phil?" Thomas asked innocently.

"Oh no. You don't need to do that. I'm sure he has homework." Dan said. "Tell him I saw hi, though." He said.

"I will!" Thomas said. He heard Cole's giggle from the other side of the fence. Dan went inside and to his room. He got his homework out and looked out his window. It was luckily and unluckily  right across from Phil's. Dan was being creepy and spying on Phil. Phil had to make sure Thomas was okay. He noticed that Cole Howell was over and decided his mum would check. Phil took off his shirt and grabbed a hoodie as it got colder. Dan couldn't take his eyes off of him. He knew this was very very wrong. Dan felt himself get a little too excited. He looked at his lap and muttered an obscenity. Dan looked at his English work and decided to focus on that. He could do that. He didn't need a sexually frustrating neighbor to distract him. He didn't need Phil at all. But he really did. He needed Phil to just talk to him. To just look at him normally, and not like Dan killed his mother. Dan sighed and did his English homework.

Cole and Thomas were sitting in the basement, playing video games. Thomas was laying on the carpeted floor and Cole was on the couch.

"My brother likes yours." Cole blurted out. Thomas paused the game and looked at Cole.

"Like, a friend way?" Thomas asked innocently. Cole shoo his head. Thomas smiled and jumped up.

"That's so cute. We should get them together. Phil isn't himself lately. He's all grumpy and obsessed over your brother. He stalks his Facebook page." Thomas said.

"Let's go talk to Phil!" Cole said. Thomas and him ran upstairs and knocked on Phil's door. Phil opened it and looked at the two.

"What is it boys?" Phil asked.

"Go over to my house please? I left something, my muse cd. And my mum doesn't want me leaving when your mum doesn't know." Cole lied, the cd was his brother's. Phil smiled and looked at Thomas.

"Okay but this is for that other thing." Phil said. Thomas nodded and had a sneaky smile. Phil grabbed his vans and slipped them on. He walked over to the Howell house. Mrs.Howell opened the door. He was let in and went upstairs. The Lester's were close to the Howells because of Cole and Thomas. Dan and Phil's mothers wanted them to get together. Phil searched Cole's room and found no muse cd. He stood in the hall and saw a door with posters and black decor on it. Maybe his brother had it. Phil walked over to the door. He knocked and the door opened. He could only see warm, home-like brown eyes. Phil felt weird.

"Uh yes?" Dan asked. Phil couldn't see him in his Zelda pants and black tank top. He definitely couldn't see Dan's mess of hobbit hair.

"Your brother said he left a muse cd." Phil said.

"Cole doesn't listen to muse." Dan said.

"Do you?" Phil asked.

"Y-yeah they're my favorite band." Dan said.

"That's so cool, they're my favorite band too!" Phil said breaking his cold attitude towards Dan. Phil just sounded happy and childish. Dan loved it.

"That's cool." Dan said quietly.

"I um don't have any homework, want to maybe hang out? I know we do when we're with Chris and Peej-" Phil said rambling.

"No it's fine. Um come in." Dan said. He opened the door to his room and Phil got to see him.

"I love your hair like that." Phil blurted out. He covered his mouth.

"I really like the glasses." Dan said. Phil gently touched his black rimmed glasses.


Two weeks later, the roles were reversed. Pj and Chris were the friends to the boyfriends who make out with each other. Dan and Phil were a thing and realize how petty they were being. Chris turned to Pj and smirked.

"Our friends are dicks, but I'm glad they're dicks in love."

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