Stable Boy

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Genre: Prince!Dan, stable boy!Phil



Phil grew up with horses. His father was the Kings right hand. His mother helped with the princes. Phil took care of the horses. He remembered when he was younger, his fear was that he was going to be trampled by the huge beasts. But now he saw them as equals. His horses were smart and Phil treated them with the upmost care. He was grooming a horse named Thor when a page ran up to him.

"King James would like to see you sir." The page said out of breath.

"Okay thank you." Phil said. He walked to the front of the stable and took off his boots. He wore them to protect his actual shoes. He ran into the castle, he had no worries. He practically grew up playing with the princes. He was four years older than the eldest, Dan, but the two were great friends. Phil treated Dan as a friend and future king. Little did Phil know, Dan had a giant crush on him. Dan knew as long he could chose who he could marry. His father chose his mother who was a princess from another kingdom. Dan knew exactly who he would chose. Phil walked into the throne room and smoothed out his shirt.

"Your majesty." Phil said bowing.

"Philip, good morning. I need you to teach Daniel to ride. He refuses to learn from the riding teacher." King James said.

"Of course sir." Phil said.

"Thank you. Go get him and you two can start." King James said. Phil nodded and went find Dan. "You're son is going to become my son in law." King James sighed. Michael, Phil's father, looked at him.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"Dan is going to chose Phil. I know he is. To be honest, Phil's better than some people he could chose. I mean he knows the way of the castle and how to preform duties. I know Elizabeth was teaching him some royal duties." King James said.

"He'll be a great husband for Dan." Michael said.


"Learn to catch Jacob!" Dan yelled.

"Learn to throw , stupid face!" Jacob yelled at his older brother.

"That's no way for princes to talk." Phil said leaning on the door frame. Dan was turning eighteen in less than 15 hours. At four years ahead, Phil was 22. And at four years behind, Jacob was 14. Both princes straightened themselves up.

"Philip." They both said. Phil smiled and walked towards Dan.

"Come on Stubborn, I have to teach you to ride a horse." Phil said as he wrapped his arm around Dan's shoulders. Dan wanted snuggle into Phil. Phil was always so warm. Dan took a sniff and crinkled his nose.

"You didn't change." Dan said.

"No I was working when you were being picky about who taught you how to ride." Phil said.

"I hate when you smell like horses." Dan said.

"I hate when you're stubborn, but look where we are." Phil said.

"I don't like Marco. He's mean, he yelled at me for not wearing correct clothes." Dan said.

"I won't do that. You look fine." Phil said.

"Thanks, Phil." Dan said. The two cracked jokes as they walked down to the stables. Dan crinkled his nose again.

"Oh come on Dan, it's a barn get use to it." Phil teased.

"I don't think I will." Dan said. Phil smiled and brought Dan over to a smaller horse. Phil knew she was a gentler creature and better for Dan then Thor was.

"Dan, meet Jezebel." Phil said.

"I'm not saying hi to a horse, Phil." Dan said.

"Okay, but you won't form a bond with her." Phil said.

"Ugh, fine to please you." Dan said. He walked closer to the horse and pet her neck gently. "Hi, Horse." Dan said.

"There we go! Her name is Jezebel though, be nice." Phil said. Dan knew already he should've gone with Marco.


"How were riding lessons, Daniel?"Queen Elizabeth asked.

"They were awesome." Dan said.

"Yeah because you begged for Phil to teach you." Jacob said with a smile.

"You begged for Phil?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yes." Dan said looking at his food.

"Why is it always Phil?" Elizabeth asked.

"He's my friend. I like hanging out with him." Dan said.

"That's good. Phil seems to be understanding the royal duties almost as well as you do, Dan." Elizabeth said. 

"Dan, tomorrow is the day." James asked.

"Yeah, but what if Phil doesn't want to be my husband." Dan said.

"Then you don't force it upon him." James said. 

"Of course, dad. He's my friend, I wouldn't make him do anything." Dan said.


Dan laid in his bed thinking. He couldn't sleep. A knock at his door made him sit up. Dan got up and rubbed his eyes. Dan opened his door and saw Phil standing there in his pajamas.

"Hey, you wanna talk?" Phil asked.

"It's late." Dan said.

"I know, I know. It's just, I didn't want to sleep." Phil said. 

"I know how you feel." Dan said. He motioned for Phil to come in. They both sat on Dan's bed. Their back against the headboard. Dan wanted to snuggle up to Phil. "You smell  better." Dan said.

"I took a shower. So I could not smell like horses." Phil said. Dan smirked and looked at Phil. "So a big day."

"Yeah, I'm supposed to find my spouse and I become King like a  week." Dan said.

"Who are you going to chose?" Phil asked.

"I don't know." Dan lied. He looked at Phil and noticed how his face dropped.

"I want you to know that I'll still be there for you." Phil said. "No-no matter who you chose." 

"Thank you Phil." Dan said. Phil sighed and wrapped his arm around Dan. Dan smiled and leaned into Phil. Phil was always warm, and smelled like wildflowers (when he didn't smell like barn mixed with horses). 

"Of course, Dan. Um can I, kiss you?" Phil asked. Dan blushed and nodded. Phil lifted Dan's head and kissed Dan's lips gently. Dan felt so perfect right there in Phil's arms.  They pulled apart and both giggled. 

"That was amazing." Dan said. 

"You could say that again." Phil said. He hugged Dan again.

"Phil I want to chose you."  Dan said. Phil smiled and kiss Dan's cheek. 

"I would love to your husband Dan." Phil said. 

"Yay! I'm so happy." Dan said. 


Dan looked at the crowd was outside the castle. Dan was biting on his nails. 

"Mum what happens if they don't approve." Dan said.

"Daniel you're their King." Elizabeth said fixing Dan's hair. She smiled at him. "You're going to break a lot of hearts. But, it will be worth it, right?" 

"Yes, Phil is worth it." Dan said. And with that, Dan stepped out on the balcony of the palace and changed history.

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