That Guy Who Lives Next To Me Is Driving Me Crazy

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Genre: struggling artist and tiny account youtuber!Phil, huge account youtuber!Dan

Rating: PG-13

(Props to sumirai ((i think that's how you spell it)) on YouTube for making the coolest Phan trailers. )

Phil was missing his neighbor. She had passed away, and her flat now stood empty. He wanted someone to talk to. She would bring Phil in to talk to and he would help bring in her food.  Phil sat in his room looking at his blank canvas. He sighed and rubbed his eyes. He hadn't been able to paint or draw anything since Maria died. The older woman was like his mother. Phil had his mother still, but his actual mother was in Manchester, while he was in London. Maria was kinda his London mother, but now she was gone. Phil set down his brush and walked into his kitchen, he looked like a mess and his grey sweatpants had holes and paint on them and his white shirt, which he had painted small drawings on it. Phil grabbed a handful of cereal and ate it happily. He jumped when he heard a crash and a string of curse words. Phil walked out and saw a guy holding a box. He had fringe swooping the opposite way of Phil's.

"Uh hey." He said.

"H-hi." Phil said.

"Nice outfit." The guy said. "I'm Dan."

"I'm Phil and thanks. I didn't plan on meeting a new neighbor this morning." Phil sassed.

"Yep here I am." Dan said.

"Nice to meet you." Phil said walking back into his flat. He sighed and looked at the door. He laughed and ran his hand through his hair.


Phil had issues sleeping, his mum always blamed it on creativity. Phil's doctors blamed it on stress. He was almost asleep when he heard a haunting tune coming from a piano. Phil was wide awake as soon as he heard it. It's been happening every week from when Dan moved in, which was three months ago.

"Damn you." He grumbled. He tried to muff the noise with a pillow but it got louder. Phil guessed that it was Dan. He growled and got up. Phil just decided to do work. But he had to go to work in the morning, yes because Phil is what normal people call a struggling artist. He worked at a small grocery store to make ends meet. He loved selling one of his paintings because he could then spend a little more. Phil was drinking his coffee and doodling on a small notepad. He was coming up with tiny things. Phil could also check his YouTube, see if anyone commented on anything. Phil was just putting up speed paintings and vlogs, nothing special. Phil would be surprised if we offered a job for them. Phil had wasted enough time, and got ready for work. He got on his uniform and walked out the door. Dan had opened his door and was getting a package. He was wearing his pajamas still.

"Morning. You look like hell." Dan said with a tiny smile.

"You make me like this, asshole." Phil said, he hadn't planned to say that. Great this was goi g to be a good day. And Phil didn't even swear.

"Whoa Philly calm down." Dan said.

"Shut up, I'm going to work." Phil said. Dan looked hurt as Phil trudged down the stairs. Dan grabbed his package and walked into his flat. He almost fell over his tripod which was set up in his living room still. Dan opened the package, and noticed it was from Pj. Pj was thanking him from his last shoot with a shirt. Dan smiled and put it in his room. He texted Pj about it.

Dan: Thanks mate, love it so much.

Pj:No probs, thanks for working with me.

Dan: Anytime, peej

Dan set his phone down and sighed. He had to pick his phone right up right away though.

"Dude are you home?" PJ asked before Dan could say 'hello'.

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