Coming Out

755 59 3

Genre:fluff, same age Dan and Phil, teen!Phan



Dan laid in bed looking at his ceiling. He was pretending to be asleep so he can call his best friend/boyfriend, Phil. As soon as his parents door is shut, Dan got out of bed. He grabbed his phone and opened the door to his balcony. Unknown to Dan, his father had their balcony door open, letting the warm summer air drift in their room. Dan called Phil as he sat down on a chair. 

"You've reached Philip, how may I help you, bear?" Phil said as he picked up.

"Why do you do that whenever I call?" Dan asked.

"Because I love you." Phil said. Dan could hear his smirk on his boyfriend's face. 

"Sadly, I love you too." Dan said with a laugh.

"So, when are you telling your parents?" Phil asked.

"I don't know, it's just I don't want to lose my dad. He's all I got left." Dan said.

"I know, Dan, but you're going to have to tell him sometime. I mean, I'm not going to ever be a woman." Phil said. "I think could pull off being a woman though. I did use to dress in girl clothes." Phil said.

"You were the weirdest child." Dan said.

"Let's be honest, I'm still pretty weird." Phil said. Dan laughed and shifted in his seat. 

"You are." Dan said. "But I still love you, like so much." 

"Aw, you know, we tell each other that everyday but I still blush when you say it." Phil said.

"You're such a dork." Dan said with a laugh. Dan's father got out of bed when he heard laughing. He quietly made his way out to the balcony. He leaned on the rail and saw Dan sitting on his own balcony. Dan's father was about to tell him to get to bed, but he overheard what Dan was saying.

"Phil, what if I tell him at dinner, and like your parents come over." Dan said. He was quiet, his father knew Dan was listening to Phil's answer. "Well, yeah I know your parents are okay with it. But I can't go up to him and be like, "hey dad, Phil's coming to dinner and we're going to surprise you with the fact that you won't have a daughter in law but you'll have Phil.". No Phil, I'm not going to say that, it's super stupid." 

Dan's father chuckled silently and crossed his arms. 

"Yeah, night Phil." Dan said. He was silent for a bit. "Yeah, I love you too, you dork." Dan hung up the phone and sighed.

"Rough night, Daniel?" His father asked. He watched his son jump in fear.

"Um, yeah, hi dad." Dan said. He scratched the back of his head. 

"Get some sleep, Dan." He said.

"Right, night dad." Dan said. He got up and went inside his room. Dan plugged his phone and laid on his bed. 'Oh I'm screwed.'.


Dan was sitting on his porch waiting for Phil. Dan was tapping his foot. He was super anxious for this. Dan watched the Lester car pull into the driveway. Phil jumped out as soon as it was parked and ran and hugged Dan. 

"You saw me at school today, you nerd." Dan said as he hugged Phil tight. 

"I missed you." Phil said.

"Okay lovebirds, let's head inside." Mr.Lester said. Dan held the door open for them and then went inside. Dinner was served and only the talk of the parents could be heard. Dan and Phil shared glances. Under the table, they were holding hands. It wasn't until dinner was almost over until either one talked. 

"So Dan, are you tired? You were up pretty late last night." Dan's father said.

"Um no not really." Dan said. Phil looked at Dan and then at Mr.Howell.

"Phil must be tired too." Mr.Howell said. Both of the boys eye widened. 

"You heard?" Dan asked.

"The whole thing." His father said.

"There goes your plans." Phil said. 

"Dad, please let me-" Dan said.

"Daniel, your mother and I have known that you were in love with Phil since you were six. And I have loved you since you were born. I wouldn't ever force you to leave. I lost your mother and brother a few years back, I'm not losing you because of some fucked up ideals." He said.

"James." Mrs. Lester said.

"Sorry, Katherine." Dan's father said. 

"Plus you and Phil make a cute couple. If your mother was here I would owe her 20 pounds." His father said. Dan let out a chuckle and Phil kissed his cheek. Dan was glad that that his way of coming out was about as weird as the man he loves.

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