Chapter One

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When I woke up I was surrounded by people I didn't know, and the one who stayed day and night, had been the one who had found me. When the doctor had finally decided to take the tube out of my throat I was scared, but I couldn't do anything about it. I started freaking out, and the man I had come to know as Clint, grabbed my hand and held my gaze.

"You are going to be okay. I'm right here and I am not going anywhere."

I squeezed his hand and he smiled. He turned to the doctor and nodded. It burned so much as the tube came out and I had tears streaming down my cheeks. As soon as it was out, Clint pulled me into a hug.

"I'm proud of you."

I smiled. It was the first time anyone had ever hugged me since I had been taken to Red Room. He pulled back and looked at me.

"Hey, don't cry. Everything is okay."

I nodded as he wiped away my tears.

"I know...Thank you."

He smiled.

"You're welcome. Now can you tell me your name, and where you are from?"

"Anas-stasia P-Petrov. I'm from Moscow."

"Beautiful name for a beautiful young woman."

It was my turn to smile, and that was another thing I hadn't done in years. We were not allowed to do that at Red Room.

Clint sat with me the whole day, just getting me to talk, and get used to talking with him. A short while later, a red headed woman walked into the room, and I knew exactly who she was.
"Natalia Romanova..."

"How did you know that?"

"I was trained in Red Room. You were once their prized graduate...they wanted me dead though, and you were lucky."

"I owe my life to Clint."

"So do I."

She nodded as she sat down next to Clint.

"Why did they want you dead?"

"It was right before graduation and I had one last mission to complete, and they decided that I fought too hard, and would some day try to get away from them, and they decided to kill me. That's how Clint found me. In a pool of my own blood."

"That is awful...but you are safe here. Clint will take good care of you."

"Of that I am sure."

"Also, while you are with Clint, think about joining and working for Shield. We are the good guys you know."

"Yes I do. From the day I entered Red Room, I wanted nothing more than to get away from them."

"I don't blame you for that. I'll be seeing you again soon."

"I look forward to it."

The next two days were spent getting me used to walking again, and Clint told me stories of his farm. He told me that his brother Barney and his wife Laura lived in the farmhouse with their two kids, and Clint's dog Lucky. It sounded like a wonderful place and I looked forward to meeting them, and seeing the farm.
As soon as I was discharged, Clint took me out shopping for a few things, and I just settled on a few pair of jeans and shirts.

"I don't want to put you out, Clint."

"It's no trouble. Besides, I'm sure Laura has some clothes that would fit you. I think you two will get along quite well."

"I sure hope so."

He took one of the Quinjets and flew out to the farm. I curled up in the back and fell asleep.

Clint's P.O.V

Anastasia was quite a woman, and she was very much like Natasha. She had to be no older than twenty-four, and she had already seen way too much. She was very beautiful, with red hair, and beautiful green eyes. It was amazing how much she looked like Nat. But she had made her choice, and we were just partners and best friends.

I landed the plane, and didn't even bother to wake up Anastasia. I just scooped her up in my arms and carried her to the house. Laura was waiting at the door.

"Where are Barney and the kids?"

"Out back playing. Come on, lets get her into bed in your room. We don't have any more room..."

"It's fine."

We tucked her in upstairs and then returned to the kitchen.

"She's just a kid Clint... What happened to her?"

"She got away from Red Room and they wanted her dead."

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I did it with Natasha, and I can do it for Anastasia."

"Just be careful Clint. Barney and I will be here to help you."

"I will. And when she wakes up, will you help her feel like a woman is supposed to feel?"

"Sure. I'll take her, and get her hair done, and nails painted. I'll even do her makeup."

"Thank you Laura. You are wonderful."

"Thanks, but I expect you and Barney to cook dinner."


Ana's P.O.V

I woke up and I was in someone's bedroom. I got up and looked in the mirror. I looked awful. I had scars on my cheek and my hair was in a messy braid. I sighed and managed to find my way downstairs.


I called out as I walked down the stairs.

"In the kitchen Ana."

He called me Ana and I couldn't help but smile. No one had called me that since my mother. I walked into the kitchen and stood next to Clint.

"Ana, I want you to meet my sister-in-law Laura."

I smiled and shook her hand.

"Pleased to meet you."

"Same, mam. Thank you for letting me stay... I know I'm trouble."

"Any friend of Clint is always welcome. I'm planning on going into town and get my hair done. Would you like to come with me?"

I looked over at Clint and he nodded.

"I would love to."

"Great, come on we will have a good time I promise."

Clint gave me a hug before I left with Laura. The ride into town was pleasant and I must admit I really did like Laura. She was kind and gentle, and that was so different from what I was dealing with. Laura insisted on getting my hair down, as well as my nails painted. I even had my makeup done. She even bought me a dress. I was stunned as I put it on.

"I-I don't know what to say... Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"I've never had a dress this nice...Thank you again."

"You're very welcome, Ana. You're a beautiful young woman. How old are you?"

"Thank you... I'm twenty-three."

She nodded, with a smile.

"You're safe here now. Clint will look after you."

"I know... And I can't wait to see what he thinks of me in a dress."

"He's going to be stunned."

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