Chapter Two

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I was shaking as I walked in the door, and smack into Clint. He took one look at me and smiled.

"Ana you are stunning..."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Yes, it's a very good thing. Come here."

He pulled me into a hug and I smiled as he wrapped my arms around me. Laura gave me a thumbs up as she walked past us and into the kitchen. Clint pulled away and he had a smile on his face.

"Ana you are beautiful."
"Thank you... No one has ever told me that before."

"You deserve to be told you are beautiful, because you are."

I smiled. I still was extremely sore from everything that had happened over the past few weeks.
"Are you okay?"

"I'm just tired..."

"Come on, let's go eat and then I'll help you upstairs."

"Thank you, the wounds hurt a lot."

"Okay, well I don't want you to forget your medication."

I nodded, and he offered me his hand, and I took it. I blushed as I walked hand in hand with Clint into the kitchen. I knew he was being kind to me, but he was so sweet it made me feel like I was wanted. In Red Room, I was just another girl until I was one of the ten graduates in my group. I had been trained as a ballerina as well as an assassin.

I sat next to Clint at dinner, and ate a hamburger for the first time ever. And I must say it was one of the most amazing meals I had ever eaten.

"So, Anastasia what did you do before you met Clint?"

His brother Barney had asked the question.

"I was... am a Russian ballerina. I was on my way to Prima in the Russian ballet, if I didn't have another job to do... but now I am here."

"Wow, that is amazing. You must have been quite talented."

"I was, otherwise I wouldn't have been accepted into the program at the ballet."

His daughter Lilly looked up and she smiled at me.

"Would you teach me how to dance? I've been trying at ballet class but I can't catch on..."

It was all eyes on me, and I smiled with a nod.

"Of course I can. I'll even go with you to your next class and help you practice afterwards if that is okay with your mom."

Laura nodded.

"Of course it is! Ana, what will you need? I know you don't have the clothes or shoes."

I nodded, and thought for a moment, trying to remember what exactly I had when I danced. I knew here I could get the things I wanted and not what I was told to use.

"I need a leotard, wrap skirt and tights. And then of course I need a pair of pointe shoes."

"I think that we can manage getting you all of those things. We can go get everything you need tomorrow when I take Lilly to dance."

"That would be wonderful Laura. Thank you. But how can I pay you for these things?"

"I don't want you to. You can teach Lilly in exchange for everything you need."

"Okay, and I do know how to cook so I am more than willing to help you with that."

"That would be great. We can never have too many cooks in this house. Not the way we go through food."

"Then it's settled. I'll help around the house in any way I can."

Laura smiled and thanked me for that. I was starting to feel more at home with these people, and I think it was because Clint was by my side.

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