Chapter Six

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Getting used to being in a house with other people, who actually cared about one another, was a very odd thing for me. I was used to having to keep to myself, and always look over my shoulder. With Clint and his family, I didn't have to worry about all of that. It was something that I never thought I would experience again.

"Ana, are you ready to go?"

"Yes. Let me just get my shoes."

Clint was taking me to get my stitches out, and to say the last I was nervous. I never trusted doctors. Not since what had happened behind the metal doors of Red Room.

"Ana, you don't need to be worried about all of this... I trust this doctor. He wouldn't hurt you."

"I still am not happy about this, Clint. I can remove the stitches myself."

"Are you going to argue with me the whole way there?"

"Yes, and I will put up a fight. And it won't be pretty."

Clint sighed, leaning against the door frame. 

"Fine, you don't have to go. I'll remove the stitches for you, instead."


I removed my jacket, so that Clint could have access to the bandage and the stitches underneath. 

"Just stay still, and it will be over soon."

"Clint, I have dug a bullet out of my own side before. This is nothing."

I sat very still, while he carefully cut, and removed all of my stitches. A total of fifty in all, and that was a pain staking, and slow process. I wished he would have allowed me to do it myself, but I knew that it was better this way. I had learned to trust him, and this was just one more way that I could show him that I really did. 

"There, all finished. You are going to be sore for a little while."

"I know.... Thank you, Clint."

I quickly wrapped up in my jacket again, suddenly cold.

"Ana, are you alright?"

"Yes... I think so..."

Clint studied me carefully, before wrapping his arms around me, pulling me close. I relaxed, leaning against him. His touch was comforting, especially when I wasn't feeling at my best. I honestly didn't know what was happening with my body at the moment.

"Ana, darling... what's wrong?"

"I just feel exhausted... and a little nauseous."

"Let's get you back into bed, and I'll see about getting you something to calm your stomach."

"Thank you, Clint...."

He helped me into bed, and under the covers. I felt terrible, but having Clint watching over me, made me feel a little bit better.

"Rest, and I'll be back a little while later..."

He kissed my forehead, before disappearing down the stairs.


I was thankful for the time I got to sleep. I was completely worn out for reasons I really didn't understand. I wanted to get back onto my feet, and get better. I had so many things I wanted to do, I really didn't want to get sick. Clint kept me company, and made sure that I was well taken care of. 

"Darling... I'm going to have to return to New York in a few weeks... It's time I make an appearance again."

"I understand... I wish I was going with you."

"It's not safe for you, yet... I am going to miss you, Ana. But I promise I'm going to spend as much time with you as I can before I leave."

"I'm going to miss you as well Clint. I know it's best for me to stay here..."

"We can figure it all out before I leave, I promise. Right now, you need to rest, and stressing out about this is not going to help you heal any faster."

All I could do was nod, as Clint climbed into bed with me. He wrapped me in his arms, and pulled a blanket over us. I felt so relaxed in his arms, it was a very comforting feeling. One that I was very thankful for. 

I was going to miss him when he left, but I knew we still had some time together, and that he wouldn't be staying in the city... so that helped calm my nerves about the whole ordeal.

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