Chapter Four

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I woke up the next morning, and Clint was lying next to me on the bed. I remembered that I had a bad nightmare and Clint, had come to comfort me. It was sweet, really and I was happy that he had found me.


"Good morning, Ana. How are you feeling?"

"I hurt, quite a bit..."

"What can I do help you?"

"I'd like to shower, and wash my hair."

He nodded, as he helped me sit up.

"You can't get the wounds wet just yet, but I think I have an idea. I'll be right back."

"Okay, thank you."

He and Laura soon returned, and Laura was carrying plastic wrap and surgical tape.

"We can cover the wounds and make it waterproof, so you can sit in the tub for a little while. And I brought you a bikini so, Clint can help you."

"Thank you, Laura."

She helped me into the bathroom, and got me changed and wrapped up, before Clint came in, and they both lowered me into the tub.

"I'll go get towels, and some more clothes. Clint be careful with her."

"I will, Laura."

She left, and had the door cracked open. He knelt down at the end of the tub, and carefully unbraided my hair, and combed in out. It was nice to sit in the warm water, while he did that.
"Are you okay?"

"Yes Clint. It feels wonderful..."

"I'm glad I can help. It used to help Nat quite a bit, the first few times she was shot."

I nodded, as he began to gently wash my hair.

"Why did you help me?"

"I did it because I saw a woman in need, and I wanted to help you."

"Is that all? You must have known I was from Red Room..."

"I did, but I also knew that the only reason that you'd been shot and left behind is because you'd escaped from them..."

"Yeah. They took away everything from me when I entered and my days were spend training for ballet, as well as weapons, and how to fight."

"Why did you do it?"

"It meant that after I entered the program, no matter what happened or if I disappeared, my family would be taken care of."

"I can't imagine what you had to do."

"I did it for a very good reason, and now I nearly paid for it with my life."

"You're here now, and safe and we are going to give you a second chance, and a new start."

"Thank you."

I finished getting cleaned up, and Clint helped me out of the tub, and then Laura came in to help me get dressed. I put on a pair of leggings, and a tank top so I could do whatever I wanted and still be comfortable. Laura was going to take Lilly to dance class, and Clint and I would be going along so that I could get everything I would need in order to help teach Lilly.

I hadn't had my own things in a long time, and it wouldn't have to be uniform for Red Room. It was exciting to know that I will be able to dance again without fear of being punished for messing up, in their eyes.

"Ana, we are ready to go if you are?"

"I'm ready. I'm looking forward to getting new dance shoes."

I had a hidden bank account, so I had a great deal of money for things when I needed them. I had my card hidden, but I had it with me now.

"I'll be able to pay for my own things... I have some money stashed away."

"Okay, but I don't mind paying until you get better."

"Clint, it's expensive. I can pay."

"I'll split the cost, then."

I smiled with a nod, and he helped me walk down the stairs. I slipped on a pair of boots, before going out to the Jeep with the rest of them.

Despite my accent, I had no trouble fitting in. I could speak without it if I wished but it took a little to much thinking. Plus Lilly was beyond excited to have a Russian Ballerina as her coach.

The studio was bigger than I had expected and I watched Lilly go to class. She had a few friends, and I watched the teacher, and she seemed to know what she was doing, but it wasn't anything like what I had been taught.

"Ana, why don't you go pick out your things?"

"Sure, Laura."

I picked out a few pairs of tights, and two leotards, a wrap skirt, and then onto the shoes. After trying four pairs, I finally settled on the black ones because they fit the best. Clint and I paid, and I knew the shoes would need a little work and I'd need to heal a little more before dancing in them.

"Ana, I want you to meet the teacher."

I nodded and followed Laura.

"Laura, good to see you. Lilly is starting to catch on."

"I'm glad, Cathy. I'd like you to meet a friend of ours."

The woman shook my hand.

"Cathy, nice to meet you."

"I'm Ana. Likewise."

"Do you dance?"

"Yes, I was trained in Russia. Youngest Prima, in the Czar's ballet troupe."

"That's quite impressive. What brought you to the states?"

I smiled, as I glanced at Clint.

"A friend, and a chance at a new start. I'll be helping Lilly in her studies."

"I see. Well if you ever want a job, we could always use another pointe teacher. And I know people would be lined up to be coached by a Prima."

I couldn't help but smile.

"I may take you up on that, I just need to get settled in first."

"I understand. Laura has my number, so call when you're ready."

"I will. Thank you."

I could see Clint smiling at me, and it made me happy. I didn't understand why all of this was happening, but it gave me a second chance at having a life. And I had new friends, and a job waiting for me, if I wanted it. I couldn't wait for the wound to heal up, so I could start doing something I loved, again.

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