Chapter Five: The Quest for the Stones

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          “Princess Zelda, I…ah hah.”

          Link jumped at the sound, while Zelda seemed surprised, but not unfazed. Rather, she even smiled. Turning, he saw the same woman from yesterday in the courtyard.

          “Link,” Zelda started, “I’d like you to meet Impa, my friend and caretaker. Impa, this is Link, he’s my new friend, and-“

          “The boy from your dream, perhaps?” Impa finished, smiling. Zelda nodded. The woman looked again upon the boy she had seen yesterday. He looked quite nervous; then again, she tended to have that effect on those who did not know her. Even so, there was a fire in his eyes. He had spirit, and it was far from weak. Even grown seasoned soldiers she had met would not hold up. Yes, he could very well be the one, she thought.

          “Link, was it? A pleasure to meet you; a friend of the princess is a friend of mine. Especially since you fared so well against those Gerudo thieves last night. I thank you for that bit of bravery.”

          Link smiled a little from the compliment. Perhaps the woman wasn’t as scary as he felt she was. “It wasn’t much, really,” He shrugged, bowing his head slightly. Zelda giggled at his embarrassment. Impa smiled. Strong in spirit and humble in his deeds: a noble child indeed.

          “Princess, if I may, the other part of your dream…?”

          Curious, Link glanced over to the princess, who nodded in understanding. “There was one other part of the dream I neglected to tell you Link,” she explained.

          “The princess heard a particular melody playing as you were introduced. This song is not unfamiliar to those of royal bloodline,” Impa explained further. “She believes, as do I, that it is my duty to teach you this melody.”

          “What purpose does it have?” Navi suddenly spoke up, drawing all eyes to her. Again it was Impa who answered.

          “This song is only known to those who are of the royal bloodline and those closely associated with them. Knowing this melody ensures your status as a friend who can be trusted. You would have access to individuals and places where commoners and even some nobles would be denied. Essentially, you are like royalty, or an extension of that.”

          “Is it ok to be teaching me that then?” Link asked, concerned. “I’m not any kind of royalty, wouldn’t some people see it as disrespectful or…or…”

          “Like some kind of sick joke?” Navi finished. Link nodded, agreeing with that wording. Impa nodded.

          “It is possible, but it is a risk to take. If they do see it as that, they would need very good reason to think such. The song carries not just status, but something more. It is said that this melody has taken on properties of magic even. What these magical properties are, I do not know. I assume on your quest you may discover these, if you are willing.”

          “Magical songs, huh?” Navi mused aloud. “There is similar magic in the forest, which we fairies use from time to time. I never thought it could be applied to the other races.”

          “Really?” Link asked, gazing up at her as she hovered above him. She nodded.

          “Similar, yes, but not the same. How this magic imbued such melodies is unknown, save by the goddesses. But the fact remains there is magic at work.”

          “Will you do it, Link?” Zelda asked him. “I think you’ll like it; I do,” she smiled. Impa nodded, smiling as well.

          “I have played this melody to her ever since she was but a babe. It had no name, originally, or if it did, it was lost to the ages.”

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