Chapter Eleven: Growing Up

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     The feast that followed after was one to be reckoned with. The residents of Kakariko that day and through the night were able to hear the sound of beating drums and the shouts of the Gorons. With the cavern once again safe, the premium bomb flowers were farmed in hordes, and the feast sported almost naught else; every dish had a bomb flower cooked in some way. Games were held, almost exclusively feats of strength, though some were less so. Link was surprised to discover that Navi possessed an excellent singing voice, much to her embarrassment, during a karaoke competition. Darunia danced like no one else could. And Link, after much begging, played the ocarina, while the Gorons' drums kept the beat.

     Eventually, the feast did indeed end, in the wee hours of a new day. Sleep was had, and the dawn came, and found Link and Navi once more in the presence of Darunia in his room.

     "I wish to thank you once again, Link, for your bravery and courage. You risked your life for us when you had no reason to. We are indebted to you." Darunia grinned, folding his arms together. "You'll make a fine story for our halls, my friend. You'll be leaving us for now though, eh?"

     "Unfortunately yes. I really like it here, but we haven't much time."

     "Not with Ganondorf, I can't imagine you do. You'll be needing this then. After all, I promised it to you." The chief walked over to a chest in the corner of the room, which was simple and unadorned, betraying the treasure inside. Unlocking the chest and lifting it from its hold, he turned towards the pair, revealing the treasure they sought. It was masterfully crafted, much in the same way the Kokiri's Emerald was. Instead of an emerald, a large ruby was cut to fit in its golden frame, which cradled the gem at its base and extended out and upwards to a point, similar to the gem's cut, resulting in the item to appear as three-pronged. Befitting for their tribe's symbol, the design radiated power. This was the Goron's Spiritual Stone of Fire, the Goron's Ruby.

     Link reached out and carefully took hold of the treasure with both hands, marking how similar it was to the Kokiri's Emerald in weight. He placed them together in the same pouch, feeling excitement building in him. He had two of the stones now! He had only one left to go!

     "Thank you Darunia, for your help," Link said, smiling. Darunia chuckled, shaking his head.

     "I thought I made it clear you are the one to be thanked, not I. And now I am thanking you. Were the Great Deku Tree alive, I know he would be so proud."

     "You knew him?" Link asked, surprised. The chief laughed.

     "Of course I knew him! I met him in my youth, when I found a path leading from here on Death Mountain to the Lost Woods. Nearly lost myself there, as it was, true to its name, until I stumbled into his grove. I had heard rumors of a great spirit of the forest, but never did I expect to meet him. We talked for a long while, and before I made to return he gave me his blessing, telling me I would one day aid in restoring this world. And now I think I know what he meant, all those years ago."

     "How long ago was that?" Link asked, curious.

     "Oh, maybe fifty years? Give or take one or two," he added with a chuckle. "Before you go, Link, a word of advice," Darunia continued, talking a seat on the rug mat cross-legged. "Unless you're sick of danger on this mountain, I would recommend you try to reach the top of the mountain. Your journey isn't over yet, and you're going to need more strength. There's someone who lives up there who can give you that strength."

     "Really? Who?"

     "You'll see for yourself, if you choose to meet," He replied, grinning. Clearly he wasn't going to tell. "Now get going, you have a world to explore, and a world to save!"

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time - Part Two: The QuestWhere stories live. Discover now