Chapter Sixteen: Recounting, Part One

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     What should have been an easy trip became a more difficult one within an hour of setting out across the plains. A strong headwind from the west battled them, forcing Navi early on to retire from flight. The sky became cloudy, forecasting rain was likely to come. Hours went by without any, which Link counted as lucky. With no cover, a rainstorm would have been terrible. The wind picked up dust and dirt from the field though, forcing Link to shield his eyes often. As evening drew closer, however, the air grew warmer, and the clouds above grew more threatening. A storm was indeed coming, but he was close enough to their destination to believe he would be there before it arrived.

     It was growing dark rapidly now, and Link grew more wary of his surroundings, remembering what happened last time he was caught outside the field at night. But this time was different. He was prepared, and he was stronger and better equipped. And with a Hylian shield covering his back, he could no longer be effectively flanked, remembering the pain that had brought.

     "Navi, if Stalchildren attack us, do you think you can make it to the ranch?" he asked, looking about him. Navi, having taken up residence underneath his cap, peaked out, judging the distance.

     "I don't plan on taking them alone though, do you? You remember what happened last time," she said with caution. He nodded.

     "I know, I'm better than last time though. If they do show up, I'd rather you get help, in case I do end up actually needing it. Support is always nice too, you know?" Navi nodded, understanding what he meant now.

     "I can do it. We're almost there." She perched on his shoulder, ready to take off as soon as needed.

     Not even a minute passed by before Link felt a familiar sensation. Link immediately drew his Kokiri shield and sword, prompting Navi to stand. This time she had felt it too, though she wasn't sure why she had missed it the last time.

     "Go ahead, I got this," Link said.

     "Be careful Link." She pushed herself off and flew ahead, Heading in a straight line over the wall instead of following to the entrance. The faster she could make it there, the better.

     Seconds later, Link heard the ground break and the familiar hollow-sounding chattering. One of them appeared in front of him, barring the chance to simply outrun them. Another sounded off behind him, so he turned to his left to see them both.

     "Alright you little undead freaks, let's see you try me now."

     Navi heard the Stalchildren arrive, and redoubled her speed. She trusted her partner would be safe, since he had proven himself against the likes of Lizalfos, by far a more dangerous opponent, but Stalchildren spawned almost consistently, quickly turning engagements into a battle of attrition. The longer Link fought, the more he became his own enemy, too. With luck, he wouldn't have to fight for long. Making it to the wall, she flew up and over it, bracing herself against the wind that still blew relentlessly.

     Link was the first to attack, making his assault on the one closest to his destination. Closing the gap swiftly, he kept his shield partially raised and brought his sword hand around and up for an uppercut. The skeletal monster was no match for his speed, and the creature screeched as the blow threw him back, several ribs and lower jaw now broken. Pressing his advantage, Link took two steps forward and threw his shield against it, shattering even more ribs, and without skipping a beat, stabbed the Stalchild in the eye and ripped it's head off, sending the rest of the body crashing into a heap.

     Depositing the skull in his shield hand, he sheathed his sword, and took hold of it again in his free hand, and took aim at the other Stalchild shuffling towards him. He couldn't help but smile, remembering how he had nearly had his life claimed by such creatures. Their clawed hands were strong, but they were slow and cumbersome. So long as he was careful, he was relatively safe. He pitched the skull at the remainder's head, and was satisfied to see his mark hit, popping the other's head clean off, and it too crumbled to the ground. The bout had lasted in less than two minutes.

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