Chapter Thirteen: Zora's Domain, and The Tale of Two Kings

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     Two days later, Link and Navi set out, well rested and supplied with provisions the villagers of Kakariko had been kind enough to offer them. It was still early yet, but not so early before decent waking hours, and the weather was fair; the sun was gentle and the wind was mild. They set out in high spirits, Link in particular was confident in his newfound ability. While he secretly hoped he would have the chance to use his self-coined "Magic Spin Attack," he doubted he would, and knew it was probably better–certainly safer—to go without. After his first success, and some more schooling from his partner, he had practiced several more times throughout that day and part of the next, Navi carefully monitoring him throughout, stopping him whenever she sensed him growing even mildly tired. She had also had him keep his aura up continuously, which he quickly found was much more difficult than he had originally thought it would be. Once Navi was satisfied with his progression, which she had admitted was outstanding the previous evening, she had suggested they prepare to leave for the next leg of their journey, and Link had agreed to it.

     They had risen early for Link to finish last minute packing, and then the two had meditated together as well, something they had decided upon by unspoken consent, which Navi had explained was an excellent way to both clear one's mind and sharpen their attunement to the magical energies that pervaded Hyrule. Hyrule, she explained, was a land that was ancient, and long before Hylians had settled in the region, others had come before them, wielding great magics that had reshaped the whole of the land and even altering the fabric of reality. As such, when they had vanished, residual magics had survived, and those sensitive could often make fantastic discoveries, treasures and lost technologies, or avoid dangerous traps left behind.

     They arrived at the Hyrule River in short order, and turned to follow the river opposite its flow, southward following the directions the owl had given them. Before midday they came into a canyon that veered sharply east, then again northward. It was then Navi informed Link they had entered a region referred colloquially as Zora's River, and it was here that technically the Zora people's territory began.

     "Do you know anything about the Zora?" Link asked after they stopped for a brief lunch. "Kaepora had described them as a proud aquatic race that only allowed the royal family to visit, but that's a pretty general description, isn't it?"

     "It is. I only know what the Great Deku Tree has said before, which still isn't much." She answered, landing on his shoulder in a sitting posture.

     "He called them aquatic, but that's merely a description of their nature. They're a race that makes their living predominately in water, not on land, and they're equipped for it with webbed feet and fins on their forearms, and I guess they have heads that have fish-like features, I'm not really sure how that works though."

     "So, basically fish people?"

     "I guess you could say that, yes," She answered, suppressing a laugh. "They live in what is called Zora's Domain, and I've heard their king is rather a sight to see, and they hold him and their princess, his daughter, in very high regard."

     "So they have a princess of their own too, huh? Heh, Maybe I'll get to meet the king, that would be really cool since I never got to see the Hylian king."

     "That's because you snuck into the castle Link, I don't think you'll have to do that here."

     "No, He said I need to prove my connection with the royal family, so I kind of have to go in through the front door, don't I?"

     "Right. We'll have to be careful though I think Link, Ganondorf caused serious trouble with the Gorons, and he could have done something to hurt the Zora too, if he wants these stones that badly."

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