Ch. 16

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            Sage had stayed the night over at Dakota's place, deciding that it would be easier if she had, so that she could get a ride with her and Mila. Some part of her was nervous about tonight. She knew that it was Mila's and Holland's birthday, and that all of their families and friends would be there. She also knew that Sawyer's parents were going to be there, and Sawyer had already told her that he'd planned to introduce her to his family at the party, which only made Sage nerves heighten.

            Standing in the full length mirror in Dakota's room, Sage examined herself, trying to make sure that she was at her best. Her nerves were in a bunch as she did, and she wanted more than anything to have Sawyer's family like her, and that meant that everything had to be just right.  Since Sage wasn't really the whole, dressing up type, and would rather die than to were a dress, she decided that she would were something simple, but something that would look good, and stated that she was dressing to impress. Looking in the mirror she checked the outfit, Sage observed the dark purple jumper that she was wearing, running a hand smoothing it down. It was strapless and dipped at the neck line where her silver angel wing, necklace showed.

            She didn't think much of the outfit, not thinking that it was anything to special, but just enough to show Sawyer's parents that she was a respectable girl. She had took the sides of braids and twisted them up, making it look like a beautifully styled twirl in her head, and she had placed it in a bun, and left two long individual braids run down the side of her face.

            Releasing a soft sigh, Sage couldn't help the fact that her nerves were just taking over her mind and body. Would the way she look be enough to make Sawyer's parents like her? Would they even like her? Would she even like them? All sorts of thoughts were running through Sage's head, and it was just about enough to drive her over the edge.

            "Would you get out of the mirror, you look amazing." Dakota walking in walking in wearing a beautiful black dress that went to her mid thighs. Sage turned and faced her with a smile on her face, taking in her best friend.

            "Wow, look at you!" Sage said in all honesty. The look of disbelief on her face was clear as she saw Kota, walk into the room, with the ends of her hair falling in loose curls. "Now you look amazing."

            "Okay, enough about me." Dakota said trying to hide the smile that wanted to appear on her face. She never really dressed up, and when she did her mother was usually the first to point out to her how much better she looked dressing like a girl, rather than dressing like some slob on the streets. Looking down at herself, she gave Sage a little twirl before dipping, and bowing gracefully.

            "You know, you're really pretty." Sage said placing a small smile on her face.

            Dakota lifted a brow at her, giving her a quizzical look. "Why Sage Parker, are you trying to make a pass at me?" Dakota said smirking as she spoke.

            Rolling her eyes, Sage started to walk out of the room. "Yeah, you're just my type." She said sarcastically.

            "I'm everyone's type." Dakota laughed following her out of the room.

            Sage gave a small laughter, before speaking in a more serious tone. "No Kota, I just mean that you are a beautiful person. I guess I just don't get why you chose to go out of your way making yourself seem unattractive, when in reality you're actually far from it."

            "Thank god someone else see's it." Dakota's mother, Scarlett, said as the girls came down from the stairs. She was dressed in a red gown with her dark hair pint up, and her lips stained red. As the light bounced off of her, Sage couldn't help but to notice that she was a true beauty, just like her daughters. In Sage's mind, she guessed that it was true what they said, 'like mother, like daughter'.

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