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"38 dollars please."
The cashier at the liquor store said.
"Thank you."
The cashier says once you give the money.
"So what time should we all get to Spencer's house?"
You ask Emily while putting your wallet back into your purse.
"Around... 8 thirty pm I guess. And don't get too drunk. Please."
Emily says while laughing at her last sentence aimed towards you.
"Only once I have gotten drunk. Once. It wasn't that bad..."
You trail on with your sentence.
"Oh please. You got drunk at Noel's party and you fell off the couch and said 'I'm falling!' while you were already on the floor y/n."
Emily says once again.
You two continue talking about embarrassing moments that occurred and have a laugh while you two head to Hanna's to get ready with Aria, while Alison is already at Spencer's.
"7:30. We have one hour to go."
Aria says checking her watch.
"I still have to have a shower and do my hair."
Hanna states and fake frowns.
"We're only going to Spencer's just with the girls, not another Noel Kahn party."
You say.
"HAhahaha, remember when you fell off the couch?"
Aria says laughing while checking her phone.
"Argh. Not you too."
You roll your eyes.
"Thanks for coming guys. Did you bing the good stuff?"
Spencer says.
"Yes. Y/n and I got it."
Emily says handing Spencer the bottle of cheaper wine.
Alison says.
"Let's watch a movie!"
Emily says while jumping sideways onto the couch and everyone joins her by sitting next to each other.
"I'll make the popcorn and bring the cups."
Spencer says heading towards the kitchen.
"What movie should we all watch this time?"
Aria asks.
"Not the notebook again."
You say looking towards Hanna.
"What? It's a good movie!"
Hanna says drinking the wine offered by Spencer.
"I think we should watch an old movie. Like a classic."
Aria suggests.
"Black and white movie?"
Hanna says to Aria.
Aria says popping the 'p.'
You say.
"Popcorns ready!"
Spencer says in a melodic way.
You all watch the black and white film that Aria suggested and realise everyone is slightly intoxicated. More than slight to be accurate...
"More wine! Woooo."
Emily shouts and takes another sip.
"Slow down on the wine Em."
Alison laughs.
You all talk for a bit about how you are going to college soon, and about the whole 'A' story from when the nightmare began. The girls and yourself then started talking about love interests which was a funny topic to everyone. Lots of jokes were made and pictures being shared of the 'hotties' everyone was talking about. Everyone was drunk. You? Not as much but still drunk.
"What's that guy from teen wolf called? With the cute smile?"
Aria asks.
Emily says.
Aria says happily.
"He's not hot. He's cute."
Alison says.
"What about you y/n? Any guys you like."
Alison asks
Alison's phone rings and she picks it up. Everyone then rests their heads in their pillows and talks a little bit more yawning this time.
"Sorry that was just Jason."
Alison says looking at you.
Everyone somehow just fell straight asleep after that. Probably going to be hungover in the morning or feel gross and tired and just a mess.
You tried to sleep your drunk self to sleep but couldn't fall asleep just yet. You checked your phone.
You whisper.
You thought for a bit and decided to go for a refreshing walk. Dumb idea obviously. But you did carry pepper spray with you incase anyone tries any crazy stuff on the streets. You put your shoes on and your jacket and leave. You walk for a little bit and find yourself at Jason's house. Why? You don't know. You have had a crush on him for a bit now and Alison had an idea that you did but you said you didn't. Well it was her brother so that would be a bit odd.
You sit on his porch because you are staring to feel dizzy and you rest your head in your knees.
A figure spears behind you.
"Oh hey."
You say lifting your head some more.
"It's past 1 in the morning. And I heard something, which was you. What are you doing here?"
Jason asks worried.
"I actually... have no clue how I got to your house."
You say smiling awkwardly the last by of alcohol you consumed definitely got to your head.
"You're drunk aren't you?"
Jason says raising his eyebrows cracking a small laugh.
You reply.
"Come on I'll walk you back to Spencer's. Since Ali told me you guys were having a girls night tonight."
Jason says while offering his gentle hand.
You take his hand in yours and get up. But you are still dizzy.
"I'm tired. And dizzy. And feel stupid."
You say to him while stumbling along the path.
He grabs your waist and carries you bridal style.
You say smiling at him.
"This is why I have a crush on you... Shit... I'm going to regret this in the morning."
You say and the last sentence you whisper to yourself.
Jason just smiles and reaches Spencer's house.
"There you are."
He says putting your down and you walk inside.
"Thanks Jason. I owe you one."
You say rubbing your forehead.
"No problem y/n. I'll see you around. Maybe we should have lunch together, when you're not stumbling around."
He laughs and smiles looking into your eyes. You admired guys like this, and you definitely admired is gentleman like spirit.
You closed the door and locked it. Then you lay down in your sleeping bag and fall into a slumber.
"I feel like poop."
You say rubbing your head.
"Aspirin anyone?"
Ali says shaking the bottle of medicine pills.
Everyone replied with tired and aching bodies.
Everyone took turns having showers and got dressed. Aria and Emily made breakfast, nice pancakes. You were shocked how they managed to pull off such great pancaked while still feeling terrible.
"These are so good."
Hanna and you say at the same time then looking at each other laughing.
You take a gulp of fresh waster and place your cup and dishes into the washing machine. Everyone left Spencer's around an hour after breakfast and you laid down on your bed closing your eyes. You woke up some time later realises you had a nap for three hours and feeling a lot better. Your phone rang and you pick it up.
You say.
"Y/n hey. It's Jason. Sorry new number."
Jason says with happy voice.
"Oh hey!"
You say.
"Do you remember much from last night? Or are you still drunk haha."
Jason laughs.
"No, I don't exactly but I remember I talked to you. And no I'm not drunk. I actually just woke up from a nap and feel wayyy better."
You say walking around your room while talking to him.
"Oh sorry I woke you. And I'm glad you feel better."
Jason replies.
"I was wondering maybe you want to have lunch tomorrow with me?"
Jason offers.
"I would love to."
You say.
"See you then."
Jason says.
"Bye Jason."
You say and end the call.

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