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You felt relaxed as toby ran his fingers through your hair as you cuddled on his bed. You had some free time on your hands and every minute you spent with your boyfriend, which was easy since he lived just across the street. There had been lots of stresses with A over the last few months, but things had temporarily quietened down. School was nearly over and the summer holidays were nearly here, giving you more time to yourselves. You couldn't wait, but you didn't have anything planned except staying at home and waiting for the next A text, whereas the others had adventures to go on.
"What do you have planned over the summer?" you asked your boyfriend, since the topic was stuck in your mind. You two hadn't talked about it much, only the odd comment here and there.
"Hopefully I'll get to spend time with my favourite girl." He chuckled, kissing you on the forehead.
"That would be nice." You were silent for a few minutes, thinking about your friend's plans.
"What's on your mind?" toby questioned, noticing the way you were deep in thought.
"I just wish I was doing something over the summer." You sighed, sitting up and leaning back against the headboard.
"So you don't have anything planned at all?"
"no. nothing." You were still cuddling with toby, but you were now sat up, so that you could talk to each other more easily.
"That's good." He commented. You frowned at him.
"How is that good?" he moved around to sit in front of you, both of your legs crossed.
"because." He said taking your hands. "It means you can come away with me." He smiled at your expression; your jaw dropped.
"Go away? Away where?" you asked excitedly, now sitting up straight.
"Paris." You let out a squeal and leapt forward, hugging him. Repeating the same enthusiastic phrases over and over again. "I take it you want to go with me then?" he laughed, hugging you back.
"Of course. Oh my god.... I've got to go and pack. Well I've got to plan what to pack!" you ran and put your shoes on and left his room. Seconds later you wandered back in and kissed him "this is so romantic. I love you." You didn't want to leave him, but you had to tell someone.
"I thought you deserved a break and I love you as well." He said, kissing you again, before saying goodbye.
When you arrived home, your sister Emily and mom were sat at the kitchen table, having finished their dinner a few minutes ago.
"Did you get something to eat, like you said?" your mom asked, carrying their plates away into the kitchen to be washed.
"Yes, I ate at toby's." you responded, smiling at them. Hoping they'd ask you what's made you so joyful.
"Why are you so happy?" Emily loved to hear about yours and Toby's relationship, thinking you were the cutest couple to have walked the earth and she assumed you were smiling because of him. You mentally thanked her for asking the question, then answered.
"Guess where I'm going over the summer!"
"hmmm." Emily thought about it but then decided to just shrug. After all, the list could go on forever.
"To Paris with toby!!" your voice was higher than usual and you grinned even more when the news was revealed. Emily had a look of shock, but she quickly grew happy for you, knowing this had been something you'd dream about when it was late at sleepovers. Yet you never thought it would come true, since you thought it was something that only happened in movies, not your life.
"You're not going to Paris." You turned around to face your mom, not believing that she would stop you from doing this. She knew you more than anyone.
"Why not?" you cried. She walked towards you as she talked.
"It's not a good time." she argued, giving you a sympathetic smile.
"Not a good time? It's never a good time! This is my chance to actually have an amazing summer. And I have the money to pay for it!" You were angry, just because there were people out to make your life hell, didn't mean they should succeed.
"Look. I don't want you going away." Her voice stayed at a normal volume, but yours just kept rising. You honestly thought it was selfish of her to stop you from going, she wasn't thinking about you as she made the decision.
"I'm 18! You can't stop me! Plus, you let Emily go away and she's only less than a year older than me!" you defended.
"But that was different. Y/n. I said no. that's final." You didn't want to listen to anymore so you went up to your room.
You lay on your bed and cried for what felt like hours, but in reality it was only a short period of time. You were angry and frustrated and the perfect day had been ruined. Almost. After you had calmed down you decided to call toby, hearing his voice always made you feel better.
"What is it? What's wrong?" he questioned, panicking since he could tell you had been crying.
"My mom won't let me go to Paris." You said sadly, staring at the ceiling.
"So... you're not coming with me." You could sense the disappointment and sadness in his voice now as well.
"I am." You said, determined.
"But if your mom..."
"I'm 18. She can't stop me." You stated, interrupting him. "I'll run off with you."
"She's going to love me" he said sarcastically, making you finally smile.
"So that means we're still going?" you asked hopefully. He agreed and your excitement returned. You knew it was wrong to just run away, but you would eventually come back and you wouldn't miss any time off school. It was also safe, since toby had booked the hotel and you would be with him at all times. You noticed a shadow at your door and you were hoping it wasn't your mom. If she found out, you would basically become a prisoner.
But then Emily walked in, clearly having heard the entire conversation.
"I think you should do it." She agreed, supporting your choice.
Over the last few weeks before you went, Emily helped you keep it a secret from your mom. It was difficult but you desperately wanted to go, so you and toby sorted out the money and brought the appropriate suitcases, packing them together. You kept the luggage at his house until it was time to go, along with the tickets and all the other documents. You decided to pretend that you were okay with not going and every time she seemed suspicious, you would make fake plans for the holidays.
On the day you were leaving, Emily walked you over to Toby's, hugging you goodbye and saying she would miss you whilst you were gone. You knew she also had plans, and wished her luck.
Your mom was at work, and Emily promised to explain what had happened when she got back. You thanked her and jumped into the taxi, heading to the airport.
The flight was relaxing and you thought you were dreaming multiple times as you flew over various countries and ocean. But as soon as you stepped foot in Paris, everything became real.
The driver took you to a hotel, small and quaint, just like a painting. Once you unpacked your stuff you thought it would be best to explore your location. When you exited the hotel, the smell of the food being baked in the shops overwhelmed you and street artists were dotted in almost every corner, sketching their temporary models. Picturesque alleys full of flowers and tourists snaked off from the main cobbled street and you could pick up many different languages that were being spoken around you.
You looked over at toby, who was rummaging through a market stall nearby for souvenirs, even though you had just arrived. You knew that it was going to be an amazing trip, one that you wouldn't easily forget and the secrecy was worth it.

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