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Ever since you were six years old you've hated the boy next door. You weren't going to feel guilty about it either, because he hated you too.
It all started when you were innocently playing outside in your front garden. It was the Christmas holidays and it was the first year you had snow in rosewood since you've been there. You created a snowball in your hand and rolled it in a straight line, watching as the snow built around it until it was too big to move. As you rolled it, it happened to end up by the Dilaurentis house. You heard a door opening and saw Alison skip out, only her eyes visible past her puffy coat and scarf. She ran over to you, careful not to slip and helped you roll it further. As soon as you could no longer roll it you worked on the rest of the snowman. You rolled the head and Alison rolled the top of the body. You worked in sync, used to doing things together since you were in the same class at school.
You ended up with three snowballs, each a different size. Keeping the large one where it was, you carefully picked up the medium sized one together, using all your strength to put it on top. By the time you picked up the third one, the snow had soaked through your mittens, freezing your hands and you found that neither you nor Alison were tall enough to place it on top.
Alison went inside and you collected twigs for arms. When she came back out her mom was with her and she placed the snowman's head on top, finishing the main structure for you before heading inside out of the cold.
Together you decorated him and made him look like a traditional snowman. You played together for a short while longer, before a football came flying past... straight into your snowman. The snow exploded around and the only thing left was a sad stump where the body used to be.
Jason, Alison's brother, came running past, fetching the ball. You'd never been so upset around Christmas before and clearly Alison was fuming mad. She started to scream at Jason, telling him it wasn't fair and that he ruined everything. You honestly didn't know why he was playing football in the snow, plus, he clearly wasn't very good. You were lost in your thoughts letting Alison yell at her brother. If it were anyone else you would have joined in, but he wasn't your brother, he was Alison's.
Suddenly, something hit you in the side of your head, almost knocking you over. You looked over to Alison to see one hit her in the face, her skin turning red from the cold. Jason had decided that instead of letting Alison scream at him, he would throw snowballs. It wasn't like you were just being hit, it was like something was being fired at you at 100 miles per hour. He was 7 years older than you, and a lot more powerful, so any attempts from you and Alison to get him back were ineffective.
After that day Alison held a grudge against Jason. You joined in, since he had specifically targeted you in the snowball fight, covering you head to toe in snow. As you grew older the horrible comments tossed back and forth became a prank war.
One day it all just ended. You were twelve when your parents decided they were moving across the country, meaning you had to leave rosewood behind. You knew you would miss Alison, and felt guilty for leaving her with Jason, someone you were definitely not going to miss.
6 years later they chose to move back. Back to the same town. The same school. The same house.
Everything looked the same when you drove through town, as if it had been preserved since the moment you left. Memories flooded back to you as you remembered all the good times you had had. It was snowing, a thick coating covering the ground. You watched as it settled on the roofs of various houses you drove past, thinking nothing was as beautiful as snow.
When you arrived at the house, you spent the morning unpacking but in the afternoon you thought it would be a good idea to catch up with old friends.
You walked over to the house next door, hoping to find Alison. Your parents had told you that the Dilaurentis family still lived there and you were overjoyed.
The one thing you weren't expecting was for her brother to walk up to the house behind you as you were about to knock the door.
"Can I help you?" he asked. You turned around and looked at him, your eyes growing wide when you recognised the familiar eyes and hair.
"Jason?" you asked back, still shocked. He gave you a confused look clearly not remembering who you were. You supposed you had changed a lot since you were twelve and you could certainly see he had.
"Yes. Do I know you?"
"I-its y/n. I just moved back next door." His jaw dropped open in realisation. He never expected you to return and he was unsure of how he should feel about it. He had spent so long being enemies with you, but now he didn't feel the same way. "Wow. Hi. You've changed a lot." He finally said to you. You nodded in reply.
"Yeah it's been 6 years. You still at war with Alison?" you questioned, more jokingly than serious. He looked down and nodded his head, before returning his gaze to you again.
"I don't want to be at war with you though y/n." He confessed. He had no real reason to dislike you, other than the fact that you used to join in with Alison's games.
"Are you surrendering?" you teased, thinking back to all the battles you've had. Truthfully, you didn't want to be enemies anymore either.
"Yes I surrender." He sighed "I can't even remember why this all started."
"You destroyed my snowman." You said accusingly, but a small smile was playing on your lips. It sounded so pathetic when you said it out loud.
"I'm sorry about that. I have an idea though. Why don't we build another one?" he suggested, grabbing your hand and dragging you over to his garden.
"Only if it's bigger and better." You agreed, laughing as you started to roll the body. You watched him and couldn't help but roll a snowball in your hands, throwing it so that it hit him. When it made contact with his neck he shot up from his squatting position, the snow going down the collar of his shirt. He laughed and threw one back. You ended up in another war, but this one was more friendly and fun than previous ones. You crept around the back of his house, hoping to surprise him, but he beat you too it and got you in the face.
"I win." he laughed, you kept a straight face and glared at him, only pretending to be annoyed.
"That was unfair, you're stronger." You argued, a smirk taking over your mouth. Even though it was more of an even match, he was still stronger than you and it was obvious by the way you could see his muscles through his shirt.
"How about we grab a drink then?" he asked, taking your hand once more as he lead you inside.

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