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For as long as you've been together, Jason hasn't touched alcohol. But you knew all about his past. How he changed his life around since then. It all started when he went off to college, where he met you.
But recently, Things changed very quickly. It was as if his life, everything he had built just fell apart. But you promised you'd be there through everything, it doesn't matter what happens, you'd always stay with him and he'd stay with you.
You went out with the girls, something you have been able to do since finding out who A is. But the reveal impacted Jason a lot. He started drinking again. At first it was only small amounts, then he started his inevitable descent and now he drinks like he did before you met. You had tried to talk to him, to get him to seek help, guidance, anything to make him better. Yet nothing worked.
When you returned home, the house was dark. At first you thought Jason wasn't home, and you panicked for a second, hoping he hadn't hurt himself. When you walked further into the house, you noticed smashed bottles on the floor along with various belongings of Jason. You grabbed your phone, hearing a crash from the kitchen and typed in the number for the police. You slowly wandered into kitchen, and put your phone away as soon as you laid eyes on the scene in front of you.
Jason was stood, plates in his hands, firing them at the wall. You could see by the look on his face he had been drinking. You were shocked for a second, then realised you need to stop him. You rushed forwards telling him to stop, but he wasn't listening. You stood off to the side of where he was firing the plates, out of the way of the pieces that flew off.
"Jason stop!" you yelled, as he finished off his set of plates and grabbed another one.
"You need to stop this! Just put the plates down and talk to me..." you pleaded with him. You could see anger and hurt and all sorts of other emotions in his eyes and knew he had reached his low point.
"There's nothing to talk about. What's done is done." He spat, hurling another one, even angrier than before.
"Listen... I know you're upset and furious right now. But you need to understand you need help." You argued.
"I don't need help. I just need to leave. Get out of this wretched town, away from these wretched people." He shouted, grabbing more things to throw.
"You can't just run away..." you tried to talk to him, but he was too far past sober to see sense.
"I can do whatever the fuck I like!" he screamed, hurling the last thing left in your kitchen. you walked over, trying to stop him from throwing it but you were too late. The glass flew just to the right of you, smashing against the wall, higher than your head. The shards of glass fell down, cutting your arms as you protected your face.
Silence followed. You slowly pulled away, uncurling yourself and examined your injuries. You saw the blood and couldn't comprehend what happened. You looked over to Jason who had stopped what he was doing, also in a state of shock. You stumbled sideways, heading towards the door, needing some fresh air. As you left you heard your name being shouted, but you never turned back.
The next day you didn't speak to Jason. He called and texted but you didn't reply. You needed time to think. To think about where your relationship had ended up.
Your silence didn't last long, as he showed up at your door that night. After a lot of persuading you invited him up to your room where you could talk. Now that he was sober, you could have a proper conversation with him without things getting out of hand.
"I'm sorry." He started, saying exactly what you expected him to say.
"Yeah I know." You muttered, sitting a distance away from him.
"It was my fault, I never should've done that. I never should've started drinking. I should've let you help me." He sobbed "and now I've lost you."
You saw his broken expression, the hurt and the effect his addiction was having on him. And you felt it. The pain. The loss. The need for an escape. Tears gathered in your eyes as he sobbed next to you, believing he'd lost you for good. But you knew it was simply an accident. He didn't throw that bowl to hurt you, his reaction told you that. And you were the one who moved over. He wasn't aiming for you. But he could've really hurt you. You were lucky to only get a few scratches.
"You can sit and talk about what you should've done for as long as you like. But it's not going to change anything." He flinched at your words, yet you didn't mean for them to sound harsh so you continued. "We need to talk about you getting better. So that we can be together."
He looked up at you, searching your face for any signs of fear or hate. But he only saw that you cared for him. "That's what I've been doing today. I've found a rehab centre that should have me. And a counsellor. I've sorted it all out. I will make it up to you." You smiled, wiping the tears away from his face.
"I know it'll take time." you said "but I'll support you. You're never going to lose me." Now it was your turn for the tears to spill down your cheeks.
"I love you so much. I can't believe you're still with me; by my side." He placed a long, loving kiss on your forehead.
You took his hand in your own and the other rested on his face.
"I made a promise and I intend to keep it. I'll stay with you no matter what. Through everything." You reminded him. He hugged you tight, kissing you neck, working his way around along your jaw, but stopping hovering over your lips.
"Through everything." He repeated, kissing you on the lips gently, but he kissed you harder after a few seconds, as if he was so grateful for you to be so close to him again.
From that moment you knew things were going to get better. He'd get better and you'd be by his side.

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