Chapter 2

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i woke up with the sun shinin into my window, it's a good day :) Its almost my 18th Birthday. I wake up to Mirrors by Justin Timberlake. I get ready for the day and put on a tank top cardigan and shorts (   *Juan comes in shirtless* Juan: Hey baby sis, were helping our new neighbor move in today and i said that you would help and Diana, Sarah, and Cheyanne will help too. Me: 1) Bro your my awkwardly hot brother.. put a shirt on. and 2) oh okay, well this should  be fun i guess.. Juan: You might be taken by the end of this day!!  :) Me: omg no. Dont you dare! 


As i woke up i heard a knocking on the door i knew it was Juan and his help coming so i put on shorts and a tee shirt and went to the door * Opens the door * Yes? Juan: Hey bro! I broke my sister and her 3 friends." i noticed he pointed to the most beautiful girl i have ever seen first, Thats his sister?! She is so gorgeous. Andrea: well Im Andrea and This is Sarah Cheyanne and my friend Diana couldnt make it. So what shall we do first? Me: Well grab boxes and put them where you read on the boxes. My room is upstairs and the first door on the right, my moms is the last door at the end of the hall and my siblings room has their names on them. Andrea: okay! *goes to get boxes with the girls* 



FINALLY! were done! Me: well thats all ! Thank you guys so much for helping! it really ment alot. Andrea: Well its no problem. Me and Sarah and Cheyanne gotta run we have a mall date so your welcome it was no trouble at all! *we leave* Juan: so you like my sister yea? Me: shes gorgeous how could i not? but obviously she has a boyfriend. Juan: oh the mall date? Thats just them with Diana, no boys involved haha. If you want i can ask my friend Alex if he wants to meet us at my place and we can go to the mall. It will get you introduced the the places we like to hang out. Me: Yea that'd be great!! Thanks bro! 



Diana: guys im tired of shopping for right now.. wanna go eat? Me: yea sure! Cheyanne: omg guys its Alex!! i love him! Me: if Alex is there Juan isnt too far behind. Diana: i love him!! Me: YUCK! Diana: haha.. OOO Andrea i see Joey :) Me; Not a big deal.. *Smiles at them and sits down at a table in the food court* Juan:* walks up with Joey and Alex* Hey ladies, mind if we join? Diana: NO not at all!! Sit sit! Me: sure go ahead.. Joey:Hey Andrea.. You look really nice.. *he nervously sits down* Me: Thank you.. Im not that hungry guys im just going to go to Jamba Juice and then some nachos. Joey: Can i come? Jamba Juice is my fav. Me: Yea sure :) *smiles at him and we walk to Jamba Juice* Me: so tell me about yourself. Joey: what do you wanna know? Me: like age? where did you move from? fav Color? and what you like to do in your spare time. Joey: I am 20 same age as your brother. I moved from Texas, my fav color is red, and i love to play football, hang out with friends, sleep, watch tv, go online, and eat. Me: haha sounds like me haha. Joey: how old are you? Fav color? and what do you like to do in your spare time? Me: well i am turning 18 in 4 days. my fav color is red and blue and i love to cheer, play soccer, hang out with friends, sleep and eat, and of course online haha. *gets to jamba juice and orders my fresh squeeze orange juice with ice and Joey gets orange juice no ice and we walk back to the table* Juan: You guys would make a cute couple :) Girl: OMG ITS JOEY DIAMOND! Me: *whispers* he already has girfriends.. *looks away* maybe i started to have feelings for him.. But it would never work.

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