Chapter 3

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I could really tell me and Andrea would hit it off.. Shes an amazing girl. Suddenly i heard a girl yell "OMG ITS JOEY DIAMOND" i knew she wouldnt like this... Maybe i just lost the only thing i have started to care about in a long time.. I saw Andrea look away and whisper somthing to herself and she got really sad... her hair.. her eyes... her everything.. I maybe just lost it.. Girl: Joey can i have a picture??? Me: Uh yea sure.. *Take a picture with her and she leaves* Me: Andrea can i talk to you? Andrea: Um no i dont feel good... im going home.. Diana, Sarah, Cheyanne.. You think you wanna get a ride with them or come with me? I dont care.. Diana: *looks at everyone* Ill go with you.. Sarah: Ill come.. Cheyanne: Yea babes ill come. Bye guys.. *they walk away and my heart breaks a lil* Juan: Hey Joey, dont worry about it, she'll get over it.. Alex: No she wants him to chase her.. dumbo and so does Diana wants you to chase her Juan. and Me? Well Cheyanne obviously wants me.. Joey: Alex is right.. *Runs after me* Andrea! Wait.. *grabs her arms and turns her around and kisses her cheek* dont go.. Andrea: *shocked and smiles a lil* i just.. idk.. I dont like alot of spotlight.. i really like you tho:/ or atleast im starting too.. me: me too, but i wanna take you out on a couple dates first... Tonight at 7? Andrea: Yea.. Ill see ya then :) Now go home, i need shop for a new outfit with my girls :) Me: okay, see ya :) *walks to Juan and Alex* 


Me: *giggles and goes off to WetSeal to find a cute outfit with the girls* Diana: Our little girl has a date!!! Sarah: she has every right too ever since.. yanno.. Sam. Me: Lets not dampin Andreas mood. Im happy. *finds the perfect black jeans and a crop top* (just the pants and shirt Diana: CUTE CUTE GET IT GET IT!! Me: okay i will * goes to the check out and buys it pays and get Sarah Cheyanne and Diana and leaves* 


Juan comes in my room annoyingly as im trying to get ready. Juan: Babygirl you ready for tonight? Me: Yes now can you go? im kinda rushin and i dont need you bothering me and i get frusterated when im angry so can you please leave? Juan: Yea just come down when your ready. Me: * gets ready puts on cute wedges and my jeans and shirt i bought and does my makeup and its 7;00 and theres a knock on the door* Juan: *opens it* She will be down in  a moment Joey. Joey: Okay thanks bro.. Im kinda nervous im taking her to frozen yorgurt.. and then glow in the dark bowling.. Does she like that kinda thing? Juan: She loves it! haha and fro yo.. her fav! Joey: okay good.. Me:* walks down stairs* Joey: *jaw drops* Andrea you look... stunning!! My Mom: Andrea have fun!! Joey take care of her.. And Andrea your cerfew is 12 o clock. Me: yes mami. I love you. Mom: te amo mi amor. Me: adios mama!!! *joey takes my hand and leads me to his car* Joey: your hispanic? Me: Yea im Hawaiian, Hispanic and American. Joey: Cool! Im Hispanic and American. Me: haha nice. Joey: * drives to frozen yogurt place* Me: Joey how did you know? Joey: i didnt i just kinda guessed.. and were going glow in the dark bowling. Me: thats soo cool ive never been :) 

*At the bowling ally* 

Joey: *gets our shoes and we start bowling* Me: your a good bowler haha. Joey: nahh girl you amazing :) *kisses my cheek* Me: *giggles and the game ends* Joey: well i had fun.. But its almost curfew. Me: *pouts* awe :/ i dont wanan go.. Joey: well Juan invited me over for a sleepover tonight with Alex.. Me: Il call the girls!! *calls them and tells them and they head over* Joey: why/ Me: so that they arent alone when we start being cute :) haha. Joey: good thinking babygirl. Me: hehe. *gets home and goes inside* Hey Juan hey Diana and Sarah wheres Cheyanne? Sarah: She was busy at home with babysitting. Me: Awe poor thing haha. Well im gunna go change out of my clothes and ill come back down, dont miss me too much J :) *kisses his cheek and goes upstairs with Diana and Cheyanne* Cheyanne: GURL details!!! Me: Well we went to froyo and then we went to glow in the dark bowling.. It was really fun hes a gentleman and i dont know we really hit it off.. and he said he wants to take things slow which i love about him. We have so much in common and he sang a lil for me:) which like i died. Cheyanne: Awe im happy for you babygirl. wanna hook me up with Alex? Diana: ohhhhh girl hook me up with Juan!!! Me: Fine girls fine. We are all sleeping in my room so yanno. You guys can share a sleepingbag with your men :) ahahaa. Cheyanne: oh fuck no im sleeping in the guest bedroom. 

*couple hours later*

Me: Baby im tired *hugs Joey closer* i know babygirl.. lemme carry you to your room and you can sleep Me: will you cuddle with me? Joey: sure Andrea. if you want me too. *carries you to your room and lays you down and cuddles with you* Me: Joey im glad were taking things slow, im glad you moved here and im glad that we got to... *falls asleep* 

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