Chapter 4

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i woke up and shes so damn cute sleeping.. i should make her breakfast.. *gets up slowly and goes to the kitchen and makes waffles* Juan: *wakes up and comes downstairs* hey bro, did you guys do anything last night? Me: No we just cuddled and she fell asleep.. Im not going to do that with your sister for a while Juan.. untill i know for sure shes the one :) Juan: oh thats soo cuteee.


i woke up and hes gone.. i smell waffles!! *runs downstairs and sees you making waffles* smells yummy honey.. Juan: hes makin em for you babes, ill go wake up cheyanne and diana and alex and we'll call have breakfast *hes goes away* Me: *hugs Joey from behind* whats up? Joey: making breakfast for my future girlfriend. Me: awe:) well thank you future boyfriend *giggles* Joey: oh you thought i ment you? i ment Diana.... hahahahaa Me: *playfully hits him* Joey: just kidding Andrea, i ment you. 


Juan: So Joey left? me: yea he left about an hour or two ago.. why? Juan: idk i thought he would be over here... Me: well he had to go home... ahahahha im going swimming with Diana. so ill see ya later. *grabs a towl and meets Diana and our pool* Diana: Hey gurl Me: hey babes whats up? diana: nothing much chillin in your pool, so how was your night last night? Me: good i guess i mean nothing really happened.. all that happened was we cuddled and i fell asleep ahah how about you and Juan? Diana: well we cuddled and kissed an were going on a date tonight. Me: AWE HOW CUTE!!! my best friend is going on a date with my brother and then youll get married and have kids and we wil be sister in laws and it will be the best family ever!! :) and all your lil diana and Juans running aroun.. OMG i can see it now hahahaa *plugs my iphone in and plays best i ever had by drake*  


Diana: *getting ready* Me: boo your getting to dressed up for the night. Maybe my aztec shorts and that top. :) Diana: yea thatd be cute. Juan: Diana time to go :) hurry!! Me: WE ARE GIRLS GTF. Juan: okay. Diana: *gets ready and leaves* Me: and then there was one. I shall go to frozen yogurt and shopping. *puts on my white ripped jeans my all black vans and a tank top and drives to froyo and waits in line* Guy: Hey baby, how you doing? *thinking its Joey*Me: Hey ba-- *sees that its not him* um hi.. i have a boyfriend please back off... *grabs my froyo and goes to my car and puts on Marilyn Monroe by Nicki Minaj and drives to the mall*  Juan: *calls me* Baby sis Joey is going crazy he doesnt know where you are and you havnt texted him or called him all day. Me: big bro tell him that im fine... haha ive just gotten froyo and im meeting my friend at the mall. Juan: is it Ryan? because you know i dont like him.... Me: He said he wants to talk and hes giving me my stuff back.. Juan ill be okay. jeez. Come chaperone if you want. I just think i need closer after he cheated on me and broke my heart. I really like Joey i just.. i need to do this for myself. Juan: okay honey, call me if you need anything. Love ya. Be careful. Me: thanks bro. *hangs up and goes inside the mall and sees Ryan with his girl i gues* Ryan: hey babes. Me: not your babes.... can i just have my stuff back? Ryan: um yea. here *hands me a small ish box* Me: Thanks.. Well if you will excuse me i have shopping to do. Ryan: No problem. but Andrea? Me:What? Ryan: i still love you... Girl: i thought you loved me. Me: Ha... Hes a lying ass player who only thinks about him self. Thanks for my stuff, see ya. Ryan: can i get a hug or something? Me: *holds out my hand so he cant shake it* Ryan: *shakes it and leaves* 

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