Chapter 10

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My baby is coming home today, ugh i missed her so much.. I got her a cute promise ring and a huge teddy bear i hope she loves it. Im thinking of taking her to Red Lobster when she gets home for dinner as her birthday dinner from me:) Her birthday is actually today so im excited!!! Ugh i have missed her so much. Juan and I are sitting in the airport waiting for our babes. 


We just landed and Diana and I cannot wait to see our boos. But i had a ton of fun with Sarah and Diana!! I cant wait till next year, Hawaii is amazing! We get off the plane and i see Joey and Juan standing there but there turned around so me and Diana deside to sneak up on them and scare them! *Diana and I whisper in their ear: did ya miss me baby?* Joey: Baby!! *hugs Andrea tight* Juan: Hey gorgeous. *hugs Diana* Sarah: *walks over* Joey&Juan: Hey sarah nice to see you:) Me: guys i wanna go home... Joey: okay baby but tonight it is just you and me and that nice italian resturant. Me: awe baby okay. I love you and i  missed you!! Juan: who wants to drive home?? Sarah: i will. Me: i call shotgun!!!!!!!!  Them: grrrr me: oh deal with it! *we all get in the car and i plug in my phone and turn on "We Cant Stop by Miley Cyrus" on repeat and dances and sings along in the car" Joey: *laughs*  Me: wait.... for my birthday i want a tattoo... Can we go tonight Joey?? Juan: can i come i want something done. Diana: i wanna watch!! Me: Can we? Joey: Yea sure baby, i can pay for it if you want me too. Me: no thats fine baby this is the birthday present to myself..


Guy: so what do you want done miss? Me: well i want 6 birds flying on the side of my stomach. Guy: sure no problem. is this your first tattoo? Me: yup. Guy: well it shouldnt hurt and if it does you will get used to it.. Mostly it just tickles. Okay *takes my shirt and folds it under my bra so it stays there and draws the birds on my stomache* Like that? Me: *looks in the mirror* yes thats perfect. Guy: anything else? Me: no thats perfect. Thank you. Guy: *starts giving me the tattoo* Me: *holds Joeys hand hard* 


Guy2: What do you want bro? Me: i want a skull and cross bones on kind of a rose and underneith i want my moms name Adriana. Guy: okay respect where you want it? Me: back of my shoulder. Guy: got it. *draws it on and shows me* Good? Me: good. *he starts tattoo* 


He finshed and really it did not hurt at all. It looks so good im so happy with it. Im watching Juan get his and it almost makes me cry. We all get our tats done and we pay and go home and show mom. My Mom: Andrea it is so beautiful. I love it. Juan: Mom look at mine. *shows her* My Mom: *bursts into happy tears* Me: awh Juan :) Joey: well Andrea ill pick you up for dinner later. Diana do you need a ride home? Diana: yea that would be great love you Juan. Juan: love you too D. Diana: see ya Andrea :) *they leave* 

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