Chapter 9

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Finally i have decided... Im going with Cheyanne Sarah and Diana if Cheyanne is normally cheyanne then me and Diana are hoping on a plane and leaving..  *Juan Jake and Joey drive us to the airport* Diana: who are you texting A? Me: Josue he says bye to all you guys. Diana: *whispers: youve been texting him alot are you falling for him?* Me: No. I love Joey. Joey: i love you to Andrea. *we get the airport say our good byes and get on the plane* 



Hawaii is so beautiful!! Oh im in love already, we are now at our hotel and its amazing. I cant wait to see what else it brings. The first thing we decide on is walking around and hitting the beach so i put on my bikini and tank top booty shorts and all black vans, grabs my bag with my wallet keys room key and phone and beach stuff and walks with the girls. Diana: ohh look the beach, and then we can go to this resturant for dinner *points to places and we hit the beach* Guy: lookin good ladies. Me&Diana: Happily taken.. *giggles and walks away*

*couple hours later*

we all decided to go eat so we are at Chipotle eating our food and then we hit the hotel and watch scary movies eating popcorn. Cheyanne:*texting Jake* Me: *shoves Diana lightly so she'll look* Sarah: *texts me: ugh shes been doing this all day! tomorrow lets go out without her because you know how late she sleeps and then if she gets pissed its her fault* Me: *texts back: yea i guess :/ 18th birthday is happening all over again...*  

*Nexts morning*

We all wake up get dressed and decide to go to ihop for breakfast and then we walk around. about 1 pm Diana got a text from Cheyanne asking where we were and she didnt reply because it serves her right, i hate when she does this, she thinks ill roll over and play dead becasue she likes a guy well yanno what? Fuck her and her stupid love life, if she wants to be with him she can get her ass on a fucking plane and be with him! im so mad! Diana takes me to starbucks because it calms me down so i order a Vente passion tea lemonade sweeten and sits down at a table* Diana: you okay boo? Me: no i hate this! she thinks its okay for her to do this well yanno what? I wont have my birthday party get ruined by her petty problems, shes going home. *Texts her*


Me: Order a plane ticket home and you can give me the money for the plane ticket here. 

Cheyanne:  I dont understand. 

Me: Its my party and i want you to leave, your ignoring me again for Jake and i hate it. Leave now! I want you out of the room by 6 o clock tonight and i want you gone from Hawaii. Im not gunna do this again Cheyanne. 

Cheyanne: no need to bitch about it... I just miss Jake, you out of all people i thought would understand. 

Me: im not the bitch, if it was your birthday party i wouldnt ignore you because i wouldnt wanna ruin anything and your being a bitch because obviously its all about you and jake well yanno what its not. I want you to leave! I hate you!


Diana: woah... lets go to the beach.. C'mon Andrea.. Lets go. *we go to the beach*


I cant believe this.. I feel like shit now.. *packs my stuff and goes home*

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