Chapter 6

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i woke up and i see a note saying Joey had to run off to work. I got up and went down stairs in my cheer spanks and a tank top. Juan had a friend over as usal. So i introdue myself and he says his name is Josue Vielma. (check out his instagram @josuelovesyou) He's kinda like Joey but he is.. kinda hotter, but he's not Joey, but i hang out with them anyway. Juan makes sure that he doesnt get to close or flirty and im relieved to hear Joey come home and i jump into his arms. Joey: hey baby, how was your morning? *holding me* Me: it was okay, i hung out with Juan and his friend Josue we watched movies and stuff. Joey: you hung out with another guy alone? Me: baby it was with Juan and he made sure that he didnt flirt or some too close, baby he was no harm and even if he did flirt i have you so i dont need anyone else, my heart belongs to you baby. Joey: your right babe, wanna go cuddle and watch tv? Me: yea sure, carry meee!!!!!!!!!!!! *in a five yr old voice* Joey: im dating a 5 year old? Is that even legal? Me: but you love meeeeeee 



Damn... Andrea is so hot, but shes dating that tool Joey, i wanna be hers, i want to cuddle with her and carry her like what happened yesterday,.. Maybe ill tell the whole school and Joey is dating Kelly the co captian of the cheerleading team. So that way she'll be so upset and crawl into my arms... this is perfect. *sends out a mass text message to everyone on my contacts but Juan, Andrea, and Joey* I cant wait till shes mine. ahahhahaah. 


i woke up and checked facebook and i see all these status about me and kelly and the old pictures of us... Oh no... I cant have Andrea see this or maybe she'll believe us and i really cant loose her. Crap what am i gunna do????? I hear Andrea wake up. Andrea: mm hey baby, what are you looking at? Me: oh nothing... *closes my phone and puts it down* Juan: *comes in* you son of a bitch! How can you cheat on my sister like that! Andrea: YOU WHAT?! * tears up and runs outside* Me: Juan, it isnt true. those pictures were from months ago, i love your sister Juan and i would never do that to her please believe me... *looks really sad* Juan: oh damn bro... Im so sorry... go talk to her. Me: thanks bro... *finds me * Andrea baby, look at me. There are pictures on facebook and instagram about me and my ex girlfriend from months ago saying that im dating her again and cheating on you but im not becasue your my everything and im really faling for you.. Please believe me. Please, you have to. Andrea: *hugs you* im sorry i freaked out its just that Ryan my ex cheated on me and then lied to my face and i really really like you too and im really falling for you too Joey, i just dont wanna loose you to some girl.  Josue: *walks up* Andrea are you okay? i heard what happened.. Joey: Get away from here. I dont like you and you look like bad news. Me: it was all a misunderstanding but thanks Josue for being concerned. *andrea and i walk away* me: well now i know who started all this shit... He conviently shows up, automatically knows whats wrong? Hes bad news Andrea, please dont hang out with him i really dont wanna loose you. Andrea: fine babe, but please dont do anything stupid. 



Me and Joey are cuddling in bed and i love these moments because its just me and him and thats all i ever want. Hes perfect. Joey is right, Josue is kinda an asshole... Well i mean i dont really know because i havent met him but once, but thats really fucked up to try and ruin a happy couple. But oh well. Gosh im thinking too much, i cant sleep and i bet Joey can hear my thoughs. Well off the sleep. Joey: *whispers* babygirl are you awake? Me:*tired sleepy voice* kinda why? Joey: i just wanted to say i love you, and im really happy i met you.. Me: *tired sleepy voice* i love you too Joey, see ya in the morning. *we both fall asleep*

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