Chapter 4: The Past Resurfaces

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Andy's POV

Ashley hung up the phone... on me. I was beyond pissed. He took Kathy home with him last night and they obviously slept together. I couldn't believe it. He got my sister. She's going to find out now that Ashley won't stay with her. I hate this. Now I'm going to have to help Kathy threw heart break of some guy who used her just for sex. Not just some guy either. My best friend. Ashley fucking Purdy.  I fell onto the couch with a groan, I wasn't looking forward to all of this. A few minutes later, I heard the front door unlock, and Ashley came in first, Kathy clinging to his arm. Kathy was only wearing his shirt, no pants. Her thighs looked horrible, bruised and she had a cut running from the bottom of her right eye to her lip.

I don't know exactly what happened then, but my anger took over. I had Ashley up against the wall, and my arm digging into his neck.

"What the actual fuck Purdy?????" I screamed at him.

"Stop! Stop!" Kathy yelled, crying. "Andy I know what this looks like, but just stop give us a chance to explain!!!" I looked over at her, then back to Ashley. I let go of Ashley, and we all sat down. Ashley in the chair, and me and Kathy on the couch.

"You have 5 minutes." I said, not looking at either of them.

"Where do you want us to start?" Kathy asked, quietly.

"The beginning. From when we got to the bar." I replied. I heard Kathy sigh.

"Ash, I'll say up until where I remember. Then can you fill in for after?" She said looking at him, she sounded close to tears. I assumed Ashley nodded because she just started to speak.

Well... the first couple hours me and Ashley were drinking together and having fun. We went to dance then after a bit we went outside for some alone time. Things were going to far for what I wanted at the time, and told him no farther. He respected that. Sound about right Ashley?" She asked him.

"Yeah, thats all correct. Besides, a girl says no, I respect that." He said, and I nodded. Kathy continued.

"We went back into the bar, and went our seperate ways. I saw him go to CC, and I saw a really cute guy and went to talk to him. He bought me a couple drinks, and asked if I wanted to go for a walk with him. I left, at about midnight with him. We ended up back at his house and.... and....." She started crying. I looked at my sister, and she was scared, genunely scared. She just got up and  ran up to her room. I heard a door slam, and the lock click. I sighed. She locked herself in her room.

"I didn't do anything to your sister last night dude. I can't believe any of this. She told me no last night, and plus you saw me leave by myself. I found her, crying on the side of the road. No shirt on. Jasons back, but your too concerned about who shes sleeping with to see that she's hurting." Ashley said, as he ran upstairs. I heard him trying to talk Kathy into opening the door, but I doubt she will.

I hurt my sister. I accused her of sleeping with my best friend. I probably scared her. Am I being too controlling?

I ran upstairs after a few minutes to try to help Ash get Kathy out.

"Come on Kitty Kat come out for me? Please..." Ashley begged.

"Kit Kat Kitty, I'm sorry. Please. Please come out for big brother Andeater?" I pleaded.

All that was heard on the other side of the door was sobbing. I sighed, she just needed some time alone. I started to head for the stairs, but made sure Ash came with me.

"She just needs some time alone Ash. She'll talk more when she's ready." I sighed as I sat down on the couch.

"Andy, I am sorry I didn't take her home last night. I just didn't know what to do. She was upset and I just wanted to help her, and make all the pain go away.." Ashley said, unable to meet my eyes.

"You like her, don't you Ash?" I asked, a slight smile making it's way to my lips.

"I... I don't know.. maybe."

"I think you do, and all I have to say is... Don't break her heart. If you get together, don't cheat. Only go for her if you can give up your ways for a bit, or forever if you two go on that way. I don't want my sister hurt anymore, especially now that Jason is back." I told him.

"Andy... if I go out with her, and that is a big if, I won't hurt her. I promise." He told me.

"Good, now head on home. I'll call you when she comes out okay?"

"Okay, I'll see later Andy." He smiled at me and left.

After awhile, I ended up falling asleep on the couch. I woke up a few hours later to a loud scream coming from Kathy's room.

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