Chapter 2: Living with Kathy

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Andy's POV

I was relaxing on the couch, watching Batman, waiting for the guys to come over and Kathy to come down. Thats when I heard mine and Kathy's voices come together in the song Love Isn't Always Fair. I smiled, realizing it was her cell phone. I grabbed it and looked down to see who was calling, Ashley.

I answered it for her. Before I could even speak, Ashley already started.

"Hey Kitty Kat, how about you and me head out tonight and have some fun, Andy wouldn't have to know."  Ashley said into the phone, and I tried not to flip shit.

"Hey Ashley, this isn't Kit Kat. It's her brother. Just get over here for band practice." I said as calmly as I could and hung up her phone.

I went upstairs and was torn between yelling at her, or just playing a mean joke. I just decided to play a mean joke.

"Get Up! Get Up. Get! Up!" I yelled standid over her bed.

"Get away Biersack" She said sleepily, as she pushed me away. I stumbled back, almost falling, but managed to stay balanced.  That didn't stop me.

"Okayyy looks like I'll just tell whatever boy it is that just called that you are too busy fucking someone to talk to him." I said, sticking my tongue out at her. That woke her up. She was up in a matter of 1/2 a second. I tried not to laugh.

"Give me phone now." She said, terriffied.

"I'm kidding. No one called miss Katherine." I laughed.

"Never. Call. Me. Katherine." She said, dead serious as she threw her pillow at me. I ducked just in time.

"Fine fine, get ready okay? We have band practice in half an hour." I said as I left her to get ready. I went back downstairs to find CC and Ashley already here. When I saw Ashley, he slinked down into his chair, and didn't meet my eyes.

"Ash get up, I'm not mad at you. Just stay away from my sister and I won't rip your head off. We understand eachother?" I said as I sat down on the couch by CC.

"I got yah, but what if SHE wants it?" Ash said back to me.

"Ashley." I warned, as Jake and Jinxx walked in.

"Fine, I won't sleep with Kitty Kat, but I will flirt with her. But that's it. Deal?" He said, I sighed.


We ended up joking around for a good 20 minutes before Kathy came back down.

"Morning everyone!!!" She yelled, looking around for a place to sit. I was about to get up to offer her my seat, but she went to sit on Ashley instead.

He whispered something in her ear and kissed her on the cheek. She looked back at me, and smiled. She turned around and kissed Ashley. I couldn't believe it.

"Katherine Alexis Biersack." I said standind up.

"Andrew Dennis Biersack." She replied, not even looking at me.

"Come with me," I told her, dragging her off to the kitchen.

"What?" She said, looking impatient.

"I don't like it when you and Ash flirt." I sighed, not wanting to hurt her. She's had a rough life since Mom and Dad walked away from her. "Do you like him?"

"You know I don't like him like that Andeater." She used my nickname that she gave me, it made me smile.

"Then why did you kiss him Kit Kat Kitty?"

"Andy.. he's hot. He's a playboy, a challenge, he's dangerous. Besides, maybe just maybe, I want a boyfriend. I haven't had anyone since Jason which was over 2 years ago. Ashley can be the perfect fit." I flinched at the mention of his name, images of what he did to my little sister still stick out in my mind. Maybe she's right. Someone in the band would be good for her. I'd trust these guys with my life. But I also know how all of them are. I let out another sigh.

Okay... Okay.. I'll let you do what you want. But, not Ash. Okay? I mean I think CC likes you, so if you want someone from the band, try him." I say, then lead her back to the living room. She instantly sits on Ashleys lap right away and snuggles into his chest. I try not to get pissed, but I can't help it. She's making a mistake in trying to date him. All he is for her is heart break.

Shortly, we started band practice and everything felt right again. Everything went great and we decided to go to get some lunch then made plans to head to the bar that night.

At about 7:00 Ashley and CC came over to pick Kathy and me up. Since Kathy was coming, it means Juliet wasn't. I hate that my girlfriend and my sister don't get along but oh well. I still love them both.

In the car, Ashley and Kathy were getting real close, and CC gripped tighter on the steering wheel. I think he might of been jealous. I wonder if I was right about him liking Kathy. I'll have to ask after the fun tonight.

The rest of the night passed in a blur, drink after drink, shot after shot. Until I somehow woke up on my couch the next morning, CC passed out on the floor. Jake and Jinxx were on top of eachother on the chair, sound asleep. I decided to go and wake up Kathy, but when I got to her room I wasn't expecting what I found. She was gone.

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