Chapter 5: A Confession

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A/N being published threw my phone so please don't hate me for bad grammar and stuff -Susan


Kathy's POV

I tried, I really tried to tell Andy what happened, I just couldn't. He wouldn't believe that Jason did anything. So I ran off. I laid on my bed, and screamed and cried. I tried not to, but I couldn't help it. I heard Ashley come up, but I put my headphones in to block him out. I blasted some Asking Alexandria, Simple Plan, and Of Mice & Men.

After a couple hours, and none of that working to calm me down, I remembered an old friend. I turned off my music, and crawled under my bed. After a few minutes I found exactly what I was looking for. A small black and white box. I grabbed it, and sat on my bed for a few minutes holding it. Carefully, I opened the box and stared at the shiny, silver contents. A small smile made its way onto my lips.

"Hello, old friends." I whispered as I pulled one out.

I slowly lifted the blade to my arm and put in, knowing the exact way to do this. Placing pressure, I slowly but surely made a vertical cut in my wrist. One wasn't enough, I couldn't help it. After making four cuts, I heard my window open from behind me.

I turned around to find a nightmare of a person standing in front of me: Jason.

"Looks like I found exactly what is mine." He smiled evilly as he spoke.

"Get away from me Jason."

"Or what?"

"ANDYYYY!!!!! HELP!!!!!!" I screamed out, hoping he was still home.

After what seemed like forever, but in reality was only a few seconds, Andy had used the spare key to my lock and made his way into my room.

"Jason? What are you doing back here? Haven't you done enough?" Andy said, trying not to freak. He started moving closer to me and Jason did as well. I tried to move closer to Andy, but Jason grabbed my now bleeding arm.

"Your emo sister isn't going to be staying here much longer, if you don't let me have her." He said, a smirk appearing on his face as he glanced at my wrists.

" She isn't going anywhere with you Jason." Andy said, protectively.

"Well, then she can just lay here and die. I think that's what she wanted anyway. Little cutter bitch." He said as he threw me at Andy. I fell off my bed, and at Andy's feet. Jason went back out threw my window, as Andy pulled me up.

"Show me Kit Kat." Andy said sternly, concern in his eyes.

"I wanna talk to Ashley." Is all I could say.

"Not until you show me."

"I won't show you until I talk to Ashley."

"Fine. I will get him here." Andy said as he walked out.

I didn't know what to do. Andy won't let me do anything now that I relapsed. Seeing as I already lost everything anyway, I picked up my blade and made a few more vertical cuts down my wrist. Slowly, but surely, I faded into a deep sleep as Ashley came in and tried to speak to me.

"Kitty Kat? Andy called whats up?" He said soothingly

"Kitty Kat??? Kathy????" He yelled more panicked.


Ashley's POV

I started shaking her, she wasn't waking up. I tried to check her breathing, and noticed it was very shallow.

"Andy!!!" I yelled.

What's up?" He said calmly

"Kathy's not waking up, call an ambulance." I pretty much yelled. He ran off quickly and I tried to find out what was wrong with her.

When I walked over to the other side of her bed, I noticed a black and white box on the floor, and kicked it aside. I discovered it was full of blades as I moved it away.

I should of known this would of happened. Last time Jason came around this happened too. I swear to god I will kill that boy.

When I looked at Kathy, she looked so pained, she can't die like this. I picked up her arm, and counted about 14 cuts up and down her wrist. A son escaped my lips, and I just cried.

"Ash..?" I heard a girls voice say weakly.

"Kitty Kat.. Please don't leave me. I realized something... I like you, I want to be with you. Stay for me. Please." I begged, crying even more.

"Good bye Ash. I like you too." She said as she closed her eyes.

I just cried harder, and leaned down and kissed her lips as the paramedics came in

"Don't worry Kitty Kat, I'm not letting you leave me just yet." I whispered as they rushed her away as Andy and me followed behind in his car as he called Jake, Jinxx, and CC.

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